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Replumbing India. Daylight savings conspiracy. Wild turkeys in Davis. Goat yoga. Cyber security. Cold turkey on tech addiction.
Social media evils. Russian hacks. Taibbi quotes on Trump. Bacteria helping your health.
Trump on the march... to doomsday? Obituary: David Lamb. Zealandia. Breeding fighting cattle.
Water & Power: A California Heist (a Nat Geo special), interview with director Marina Zenovich and attorney Adam Keats.
Two plays in LA: Pacino in Tennessee Williams, Oscar Levant aided by Phil Proctor. Stories of the artists.
The usual top of the show. Is Trump crazy? Meteorite dust in your gutter? Paleo vegetarianism. The "smart" hairbrush.
Usual boilerplate. NSA secrets. CIA psychic astronauts. Taxpayer support of NFL. Testosterone oversold. Bacteria and B.O. Bison murder.
Election aftermath. Voter suppression and election theft. Miscellaneous criminality.
Parallax returns from hiatus, 2017.
Miscellaneous Parallaxisms. Trump tape.
Jobs and Apple. Social media and wimpiness. RP plans to take a break.
RP relocates to Bay Area. Crashing on a comet. Jerry Brown makes doctors’ jobs harder, and continues to plot his water theft. Dems ask FBI to investigate Russian hacks, Roger Stone, and Wikileaks.
Suing the Saudis over 9/11. Presidential debate. Zodiac has 13 signs.
Global warming: bad news. Biomass problems. Issues with Israel, Venezuela, Mexico.
Musings on the future of Parallax.
Reconnaissance run to Oregon for next year’s eclipse.
Potpourri. Jonestown. Rose Pak. Sacto real estate corruption. San Francisco real estate corruption. Space explosions.
Usual fare. Sugar villainy. UCD to study coffee. Nanobats. Duterte vs. drugs. Gluten.
Clinton looking good? Blocking 9/11 Saudi lawsuits. For-profit college scamming. Calcium and dementia. Medical about-faces.
The defeat of smallpox. Umami & MSG. DOD waste. Syrian mess.
Viagra follies. Water woes. Cannabis vote. Astronomic fun. Rabin remembered.
Proxima Centauri and its planet. Low tech backup. Screwball celestial objects past Neptune. What do humans taste like?
Revisiting our chats with Leno Carolo who recently passed away.
Sacto opts for more light pollution. GOP Convention. Election preview.
Excess screen time. Polluting young brains. Should you floss? Clean your ears.
Obit: Marni Nixon, Gary Paxton. More political wackiness – especially water.
The ghost of Walter Winchell. What you sound like on radio. Opioid issues. Sexual identity.
Racial violence. Too many people.
Standard fare. Roger Ailes woes. Kepler continues. Spain & Hawaii.
Vice Presidential follies.
More on the Veep. James Brown PSA.
Our attempt at a full show. Entertainment from the 12th century – bullfighting. Elvis and Nixon. The Brits on the Iraq War. Discovery of lost films.
Katehi woes. Political follies.
Bacterial rainmakers. A look back at psychopathy. Free throws and machismo.
Spirit vs. Led Zeppelin. Usual Parallax fare.
A completely typical show. Crazy legal case.
The usual stuff. “Ghostbusters” sexism? Will Durst on third parties.
Democratic primary shenanigans. Brief obits worthy of future segments (Muhammad Ali, Mark Lane, Morley Safer). The usual Parallax fare.
A half hour of the usual fare, bagging on politicians, etc.
Current Events
Reprise of our chat with author Pope Brock about his book Charlatan, the story of Dr John Brinkley who made a fortune with a bogus cure for erectile dysfunction (and pioneering use of radio)
Real-life treater of ED Jason Sowell joins Dr Doug for a sort-of infomercial on Doctors Clinic for Men, where modern medicine can actually cure most men with this issue
Current Events
Reprise of interview with the celebrated hostorical writer Evan Thomas
Obituary of a Morton-Thiokol engineer who warned NASA that the shiuttle would blow up if they launched in cold weather.
Goodbye KDVS (its been a great 14 years), current events, reminder that we will continue at radioparallax.com
Dr Andy Jones weighs in a final time, James Israel talks about 25 years of The Humor Times - and their party next month
Celebrity poetry reading, not included: "and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make" but we end on it just the same
Current Events
Interview with author Margaret Talbot about her book The Entertainer - Movies, Magic and My Father's Twentieth Century
Margaret Talbot Part 2. (The father in the book's title is actor Lyle Talbot)
Current Events, brief obit Nancy Reagan
Emily Lakdawalla of the Planetary Society (and Planetary Radio) shares her knowledge of what we are learning about our neighbors in space
Science topics, including some science of econ and poli sci
Author and activist David Talbot talks about his book The Devil's Chessboard; Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of America's Secret Government. Part 1 our power elite
The Devil's Chessboard Part II: Dulles and the CIA's gains in power in the 50s
The Devil's Chessboard Part III: the JFK assassination and the CIA's links to it, Allen Dulles masterminds the Warren Commission cover-up
Current Events, some black history month items
Reprise of oyr 2006 interview with Martin J. Smith about his book Oops 20 Life lessons from the Fiascoes That Shaped America
Wall Street discussion with Bob Dunham , science stuff, a Bob & Ray classic: The Slow Talkers of America
Current Events, Will Durst on the primaries
The passing of Atonin Scalia - the Young Turks weigh in, then us; giving Trump some credit; Matt Taibbi at the Mondavi, tanking Libertarianism
Science - those confusing gravitational waves, dark skies, Edgar Mitchell, kill ALL mosquitos?, Sirhan denied parole
Current Events
Interview with John Lysack age 101, about his participation in the Berlin 1936 Olympics. NBC Sports airs a documentary on Feb 14th including footage of John..
Science topics: clever dogs, our bug roomates, convergent fossil insect evolution, plants putting up a stink, something odd is orbiting a distant star, Pluto vs Eris
Current Events, Russia denies Litvinenko murder allegations, Chinese abductions, Wall Street jerks, criticism of Israel does not equal anti-semitism, OJ trial revisited for black history month?
Jerk genius Lowell Wood, dubious ideas - delivery drones, smart bullets, good ideas - tricking bacteria, evaluating web data
Assorted stats, anecdotes, quotes quips and jokes not stuck at top of show
Looking at "The Big Short" and "Drunk Brilliant Stoned Dead" the story of the National Lampoon, and Doug Kenney
Excerpets from the writings of Michael Lewis
Excerpts from the early days of The National Lampoon Magazine
Reprise of our talk with David Talbot about his book Devil Dog (On General Smedley Butler)
More with David Talbot on Smedley Butler and the Wall Steet plot to overthrow FDR
Re-airing of our talk with documenatarian Alexander Gibey regarding his 2004 film Enron, the Smartest Guys in the Room
Current Events
St. John Hunt part III the deep politics of his father E. Howard Hunt, the CIA and JFK
Part IV St. John Hunt
Current Events
A conversation with St. John Hunt son of E. Howard Hunt, CIA agent, watergate burglar, and confessed JFK assassination conspirator
St. John Hunt part II (of IV) Obit: P.F. Sloan
Current Events
Great stories (mostly science news) from 2015
Replay of our obit (with Gary Chew) for The Late Show with David Letterman
Current Events, great Mark Evanier Xmas anecdote
Comedy favorites (replay of Thanksgiving 2014 show)
Comedy favorites (replay of 2014 Thanksgiving show)
Current Events
Reprise of interview with General Chuck Yeager the inspiration of "the Right Stuff"
Reprise of our chat with CBS news legend Walter Cronkite
Current Events
Our chat with Bob Edwards about his book on Edward R. Murrow
Lying, CIA fakers, what's wrong with this picture?, and what could you have eaten in the cretaceous era and still keep kosher?
Current Events
Reprise of a chat with William Poundstone author of Big Secrets, Bigger Secrets and Biggest Secrets
Graham Smith talks up texbook exchanges, obits: the English language, Michael Gross of The National Lampoon
Current Events
Graham's interview with Lester Lusher about the influence of shared ethicity in grading
Doug's chat with John Lisack about his participation in the Berlin Olympics in 1936!
Current Events
A chat with James Randi conjurer-magician and exposer of charlatans part 1
James Randi Part 2
Re[rise of Michael Tractman pt 1
Michael Tractman pt 2
Reprise of George Pendle interview
Current Events
Reprise of 2006 chat with consumer expert David Cay Johnston
Reprise of 2004 chat with Peter G. Peterson then head of the Council on Foreign Relations; a couple of his predictions of economic calamity came sadly true in subsequent years
Surprisingly familiar opening
Reprise: Chris Mooney The Republican War on Science. 2006 interview still relavant (sadly)
Reprise: John Stauber Toxic Sludge is Good for You. Also sadly relevant ten years after our chat
Graham makes some observations; part one of Larry Tye on Satchel Paige
Baseball ledgend Satchel Paige part two
Kevin Cook on Titanic Thompson, hustler extrordinaire
Salon.com founder David Talbot reads from his new book The Devil's Chessboard
More from The Devil's Chessboard
Doug makes a special appearance to rant about bagels
Current Events
Our chat with Mary Roach on "Packing for Mars
More Mary Roach: Bonk, the Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
BEST OF Radio Parallax with Graham Smith
Our talk with Michael Pollan (he's coming to town next week) on food
Our talk with Sam Kean on the periodic table of the elements
Current Events
Russ Baker of whowhatwhy.org updates us on some of their recent articles
Obit: Oliver Sachs, update from Australia with Pamela Sue Taylor
Current Events
Steve Alexander the guy who gave us the idea to start a radio show talks up numerous topics with us
TV Obits: Martin Milner of Route 66, "Batgirl" Yvonne Craig; Donald Trump returns to scold us, plug for SN&R event on 09/16
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