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Current Events, the #3 language in your state, channel surfing after watching Cosmos
Medical stuff; the asymptomatic flu, cloning for diabetes, dark chocolate as health food, Juan Valdez and the worlds most popular drug - caffeine, Elizabeth Orpina Aggie Editor-in-Chief updates the story on how fixing the paper got sandbagged
The luckiest archeologic find in history, Glen Greenwald's defense (and aiding of) Edward Snowden, how bacteria communicate (a prelude), some favorites from David Letterman's Top Ten lists.
Current Events, Iraq - the ongoing disaster, urine in pool water - the alleged health hazard
Miscellaneous topics: college athletes can unionize, Obama loses young people but keeps comedy skills, ice sheet melting, Pentagon woes, the Bush economic collapse
Obit: James Tague the third man wounded on 11-22-63, the booming Chinese tourist industry, Lonely Planet guide books - works in transistion.
Current Events, more on Voyager 1, Will Durst on bad week for racist commentaries
Interview: Sam Kean author of The Tale of the Dueling Nuerosurgeons; the History of the Human Brain as Revealed by True Stories of Trauma, Madness and Recovery
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, happy 25th anniversary to the SN&R, happy 100th birthday to the Hershsprung-Russel Diagram, some more on The Denisovans
Current Events, computers & cars - a marriage made in purgatory, the gap between student wages and educational costs gets Grand Canyonesque.
The Sacramento City Council sells out (not again?): a chat with Doug's neighbor Sidney Norris about the McVillage travesty, we award a Horses Ass of the Year Award for crap reporting and let Will Durst sound off about neighborhoods (not ours)
Voyager 1 has for sure left our solar system (they think... probably anyway) the definitive answer (maybe), Hollywood correspondent David Rosenbloom explains his novel approach to marketing Shakespeare's plays
Current Events, the legacy of LBJ, Will Durst on executing people
Interview: Ellen Cochrane on East Sac's issues, in particular the controversial development threatening a decent neighborhood, which happens to be the host's
Obits: Jim DiEugenio talks about John Judge and Mike Rupert, two investigative reporting legends, more sadness about killing animals
Current Events, eclipse review, plus Will Durst
Miscellaneous File: overuse of surgery, mammogram problems, the slothful FDA & its disgraceful inaction on antibiotic "growth factor" use and new sunscreens
Obits (brief): John Judge, Michael C. Rupert, courageous investigators, Robert Parry & Sy Hersch on the Syrian nerve gas ruse; pithy quotes
Current Events, Will Durst on the new climate news
Thomas Goetz, author of The Remedy Robert Koch, Arthur Conan Doyle and Quest to Cure Tuberculosis, a tale of microbes and men
Chloe Lessard current Public Affairs host (and PA director as KDVS) on her show & new shows, KDVS radio host Dr. Andy Jones talks about his new book based upon his son: Where's Jukie?
Current Events, new discovery of remarkable object at edge of solar system: 2012VP113 aka "Biden"
Cuckoo bird biology and cuckoo bird local politics: Sacramento Marina fails to apologize for being jerks, and they now want your business, No "YIMBY" with Sutter Memorial project. The misadventures of State Sen Leland Yee, why the Chinese hate their doctors (its corruption, again).
Obit: Wm Pogue Part 2 with quotes from "How Do You Go To the Bathroom in Space?" also "Bunny" Mellon, amusing Sam McManus piece in Bee on watching a TV show being taped
Current Events, Cosmos riles creationists & other cave dwellers, some good news about Fukushima contamination
More good news: Japanese nukes, retiring bad farmland, suburbs with farms added; congrats to the Sac Bee; a look a military wastage old & new, Dwight Eisenhower and your host a psychological comparison
Obits: William Pogue (part 1); more from our favorite cartoonist Eric Decetis (how to not get ripped off as an artist); is Yelp using extortion?
Current Events; thoughts on David Brenner
Drug doubts; voting, does it matter? Interview with Dr. Vladimir Dinets about his curious research on animals.
Obit: Joe McGinnis, Glen Beck (in a moment of clarity) admits he's a horse's ass, the EHR "fix" of american medicine, a visit to Jack London State Park
Current Events, the discovery of Uranus, as told to us previously by Neil DeGrasse Tyson (and BTW its pronounced YURR-a-nus)
Shaun Minton talks about the Sochi Olympics and more
Obit: Bob Casale of DEVO (and one-time interviewee for KDViations), Tennant Bagley - CIA agent & disinformationalist? Jerry Brown takes advice from Bibi Netanyahu, North Koreans (unlike Sacramentans) get to vote, more "supplement" bad news, Mexico kills drug lord - for the 2nd time
Current Events
Politics in Olympic judging: chat with UCD professor of Political Science John Stone, a look at Phllip Seymour Hoffman and heroin
A brief look (and obit) re: cartoonist Morrie Turner, a chat with our favorite local cartoonist Eric Decetis, more on Harold Ramis including our favorite clip of his: excerpt of "Perry Shriner Court Appointed Lawyer" (first aired on KDVS in 1977 via The National Lampoon Radio Hour). Ramis played Shriner.
Current Events, Aggie Editor Elizabeth Orpina gives us the good news on the Aggie vote
The Future of News essay (on the need for context), a clip from Daniel Schorr on that same topic, sports cheating - with xenon!, nicotine - a possibly useful drug even if tobacco is still poison
Obituary on Harold Ramis (part 1) and a chat with KDVS's legendary DJ Gary B. Goode
Current Events, stupidity and the law: multiple examples including one from Will Durst - marijuana's continued illegality
Science: Fusion progress? Polar bear politics, The great Sugar controversy, testosterone - we told ya so
(late) Good, Bad, & Ugly, Argentina's woes per The Economist, and Cuba's progress, Mazatlan - a qualified endorsement after a trip down Mexico way
Current Events, "for profit" hospice?!
Chat with Elizabeth Orpina Aggie Editor-in-Chief over ASUCD vote, Obama a wuss - on pot too, Arena weasels at it again, Chuck Yeagar in court, The Ouija Board
Obits: Christopher Jones, Maximillian Schell, Sid Ceasar, Shirley Temple
Current Events, Mexico vs vigilantes vs narcotrafficantes, State of the Union yawner
Essays: on "the process" of housing developments, CA water misuse, the hero of the Dreyfus Affair - Georges Picquart
Obits: the strange tale of Hiro Onoda, Bill Wagman of the Sat Morn Folk Show continues our chat on Pete Seegar
Current Events, Caribe thoughts, Will Durst sounds off on techno "progress"
Good Bad & Ugly, Chinese Rover woes, more Mantis shrimp data, Doug's Dominican Republic visit: whales and hard motoring, Chris Christie "news"
A chat about the late Pete Seegar with Sat Morn Folk Show host Robyne Fawx
Special report from the island of St Kitts/Current Events
A mantis shrimp follow up (we know you've been waiting), A look at the Surgeon General's report 50 years on, and a look at the statistician who somehow failed to notice the dangers of smoking cigarets
more science stuff
Current Events, stopping cars by shutting down the electronics - from afar, exercise - good, vitamins - unclear benefits
Radiation effects on wildlife, Fungi - a new killer found, but good news too
"Obit" for Rep George Miller, Texas jackasses, drugs and banking, Cosmos II
Current Events, Dave Barry's amusing look back at 2013
Rants on "W", the NSA, California water woes & real estate scams
Obit: Phil Everly, Science topics: exo-plants are not like the neighborhood, more on good germs, snowflakes don't look like we've been led to believe they look
Current Events; comet to crash on Mars? the Curiosity rover keeps roving, demented drone delivery proposals - a future debacle?
2013 Obits: Hiroshi Yamauchi, Ruth Patrick, Martin Sharp, Tom Laughlin, Harold Camping, Paul Crouch, Al Goldstein, Joan Fontaine and the legendary Peter O'Toole
Will Durst gripes about computer passwords; our fossil ancestors: both human & fish, newly-discovered miracle anti-biotics (fresh air and sunlight!)
Current Events, satirical piece by Steve Weigand on Sacramento's downtown arena
NSA called out by Federal judge, Director of Central Intelligence caught lying (shock!), SF Bay restoration, fresh water under the sea floor, dino extinction clarified
More on Nelson Mandela, a look back at the controversy over Davis's 1978 Measure A (on divestment) & the verdict (decades later) that it helped (notwithstanding our misgivings about boycotts, and occasional breaking of them deliberately e.g. Cuba)
Current Events, reviving the Dea Sea, you know your denounced when its done by the North Korean News Agency; Will Durst on the NSA's snooping on gamers
NSA follies: new laws needed, Snowden's cat & mouse, snooping in our mailboxes; developers to cut down old trees in West Sac
A report from Disneyland, some follow-up on Soviet sub chasing, our interview with the great Norman Corwin makes it onto his official web site.
Current Events, Chinese driving - on the moon, the miracle of the Nigerian boat rescue
Our obituary and tribute to the late-great Nelson Mandela, the man who kept South Africa away from disaster as white rule was changed
More of the Mandela story: not a saint (perhaps) but a genuine hero - to a world that could use more of them
Current Events, for-profit college rip offs continue, is UC awarding slots to more foreign students out of budget concerns (since they pay a lot more tuition?)
SN&R's Nick Miller gets duped by a developer-paid-for Environmental Impact Report, Dennis McEwan former respected biologist tells a ridiculous tale about the Twin Tunnels water grab (and the Bee published it!)
Twin spy writer obits: William Stevenson (non-fiction) and Tom Clancy (fiction); a chat with local business writer Roger S. Peterson about his special to the Bee on why the Warren Report is not credible
Current Events; new Mars probe and what it might teach us
Sac Bee blows the call on "McVillage" development, we salute their Tom Knudson for his award on "Wildlife Service" exposes, Sac Bee then bloviates on JFK; a chat w/ plumber Ivo Kovacevich on how "flushable wipes" might, correction: probably will, clog your toilets
Thanksgiving clarifications & humor; the "Newseum" sells out to Paramount's "Anchorman"; Elk Grove - tourist Mecca? planet earth's newly discovered most common biologic entities!
Current Events (shortened version of our usual opening)
We opine on the puzzle of what happened to JFK part 1 (Steve Alexander becomes the questioner and the host tries to answer the big questions)
Continued solving of the puzzle, or trying to anyway, in part 2 (with more role reversal)
Current Events, actual travel complaints, glut of JFK TV shows
Interview with author/reporter Jefferson Morley about his fine book "Our Man in Mexico, Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA"
Will Durst on lame Obamacare rollout, no amnesty for Edward Snowden, What is a hybrid eclipse?
Current Events, more Fish & Wildlife boneheadedness - this time in Africa with ivory
Jim DiEugenio on JFK's foreign policy and the enemies it made, hair raising tales from The Economist on how science is not checking its work and possibly producing bogus studies (yikes!)
Obit: Lou Reed, some comments (from William Goldman's writings) about the movies, and mention of some bad ones
Current Events; shooting rhinos to save them; promoting casinos
Robert Dallek's piece on JFK and the military, Ted Bundy's lawyer's "ethical dilemma"
Obits: Bum Phllips, Hal Needham; Halloween Special - Our semi-annual look at the Orson Welles broadcast of "The War of the Worlds" ( reprise)
Current Events, Special show: A look at Dr Cyril Wecht's 2013 Duquesne University JFK conference
Doug's summary of five decades of back & forth in the battle for public opinion in the JFK assassination
The JFK case: What can be said now (first of several)
Current Events; playing DJ at KDVS, hemp won't stone you
Climate change denial in Australia; capital follies - Nick Miller weighs in, so do Op Ed goofs; UCD's Dr Garen Wintemute in New Scientist magazine; fat Mexicans; testosterone mania
Obit: Scott Carpenter; also, nature's iron teeth; one old albatross, interviews with Dr Opfell & two governors (sort of).
Current Events, Will Durst on the government shut-down
A canal thru Nicaragua? Cannabis as a California water issue; Obituary: General Vo Nguyen Giap the remarkable man who defeated France AND the United States in Vietnam's wars
Obit II: Robert Ford, honorary Tibetan; US nuclear follies with a clip from Dr Strangelove to finish.
Current Events, going to a Giants game, testicular follow-up, Will Durst on Ted Cruz
Brief review of a prior chat with Daniel Ellsberg leaker extraordinaire, still more on government lies, in praise of the automobile stick shift.
The deserving downfall of the "multiple personality disorder" diagnosis and the merry tale of "Dave Henderson", the alleged voluble Yale alumnus who upset the alumni newsletter
Current Events, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Doug's medical school reunion: some nostalgic & wistful recollections mixed with tales of mischief & fun, and yes, the names have been changed to protect the innocent
NPR borrowings: Dr James Fallon , "Who Can Sing The Blues?" from a chat with Mick Martin (and a commentary on "Texas") that aired on Capital Public Radio
Current Events, how accurate need 'pi' be? (a follow up)
Dr. Gary Aguilar, who has seen the original autopsy materials, returns to the program to talk about the strangely discordant medical evidence in the case of JFK's fatal wounds
Hard times for Marxist studies, Big tobacco goes into Burma (the show's host must admit to once trafficking cigarets there).
Local writer and KDVS host, Jeff Hudson, on the upgraded KDVS broadcast tower and boosted signal, current events, Current Events
Medical topics: prevention!, brain changes post bariatric surgery, sleep loss (including how this killed Doug's med school softball team) and why breakfast is controversial
Why Algebra II should be banned; Obits: Michael Ansara (with great clip by Bob Scheaffer of CBS), David Frost (and That Was The Week That Was, the breakthrough show he hosted at age 23).
Current Events, the tale of the ill fated "Project Pluto" atomic airplane
Writer Christopher Arns talks about the new guidebook he has produced "Sacramento and the Gold Country" published by Moon Handbooks.
The poor readability of most medical articles; Obituaries: UC Davis's professor of biology Dr Robert Thornton (who's Bio 1 probably made the host a biology major), Virginia Johson of Masters & Johnson fame: also, a look at some bad if traditional medical advice
Current Events; Nora Epron - celebrated writer, lousy reporter, conflicting tales of snotty Swiss retail clerks
Eye surgeon Dr. Gary Aguilar talks about the recently discovered part of the human eye.
Science: Mars has water (dammit), Alpha Centauri's dubious planet (and some really crazy ideas for a spaceship to get to it - assuming its there)
Current Events; more water thievery in the works, the re-discovery of Orson Welles's 'Too Much Johnson' thought lost forever, yet found again
More from "The Wit's Thesaurus", Is memorization going to become obsolete?, Can you seize a car's controls remotely? - a scary question
Nasty solar flares and how they may wreck modern life, Don Rose talks up more novelty records like "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Ha"
Current Events; Of mice and modern art, paying low end workers a living wage (why can't we?)
Talking medicine: how it is "health news is often bogus", diesel stinks, the mysterious and unexpected rise in myopia
Our pal (and legendary political comic) Will Durst talks about his upcoming Sacramento one man show, From LSD to OMG, a swerve from politics to geriatrics.
Current Events; Israeli divorces limited by zealots
Crazy stories: eating bugs (and why its good), inflating pot farm threats, sex trafficking myths, more GOP restricting of abortions, the symbiosis between terrorists and those who supposedly fight them
Don Rose of noveltyrecord.com talks up memorable examples of same, like 'The Thing' by Phil Harris.
Current Events, Right-wing Republican stooges love the daughter of Dick Cheney as Dems prosecute whistleblowers just like Dick Cheney
Peter Buxton , a remarkable chat with the man who blew the whistle on the infamous Tuskegee syphilis study
More from Tuskegee whistleblower Peter Buxton; the national scandal resulting from his going to the press
Current Events; the unclear prospectus (a redundancy?)
Captain Vladimir Zeravica talks pilot training in relation to the Asiana crash at SFO, and why some airlines might best be avoided
Obits: financial weasel Mark Rich, computer whiz Donald Englebart, journalistic firebrand Helen Thomas
Current Events; how will we 'ranch' insects?, the "Bay Delta Conservation Plan" is bunk
Sitting is bad, actually really bad; Obit: Neils Diffrient (pioneer of ergonomics) American River Bike Trail idiocy & politics, Dixon officials SCAMMED, the tale continues.
The science of quasars.... and fixing erectile dysfunction
Current Events; navy kills whales with sonar, lamentations about our night skies
A look at Public Relations, quotes from founding father Edward Bernays & real life issues related to same
Wildman actor comic Phil Proctor shares some anecdotes of his early days in California leading up to the groundbreaking comedy albums of 'The Firesign Theater'.
Current Events, Will Durst sounds off on the Supreme Court
Alien fish woes; Voyager 1; is the dammed spacecraft outside the solar system or not?
Quick items, including Chinese phallic buildings & Chinese hackers, Mexico's lost drug war, hungry young lawyers suing their own law schools
Current Events; a gay Vatican faction?, marry a burglar?
baby boomers are not in-shape, guardasil follies, the testosterone fad, regulatory constipation by the FDA, Newport Beach's Hoag Hospital gets abortions torpedoed by Catholic Health Organization
Our favorite film historian David Kiehn talks about Broncho Billy Anderson, who filmed in Niles Canyon (pt. 2)
Current Events; more on the Caryssa Carpenter scamming of poor Dixon
Science/Politics roundup.
Film historian David Kiehn talks about Broncho Billy Anderson pioneer of The Western as a film genre; wheeler-dealer David Rosenblum talks up his sketchy Salton Sea real estate development .
Current Events, Doug's Hawaiian roots
More on Dixon "Movie Studio" Scam (real estate tycoon Angelo Tsakapoulos backs scammer!), also Phil Angelides's bad development ideas, medical tourism
Excerpts from The Signal and The Noise (weather predictions); talk of hoarders
Current Events, Benghazi nonsense, attorney complains about a ticket.
Tort wars, arms dealing, Sac Bee uncovers a scam of the City of Dixon - Hollywood is coming? not likely
The Bee's Sam MacManus writings on The Niles Essanay Film Museum, our Australian correspondent Pamel Tayor reports in after Annular eclipse passes thru Queensland
Current Events, Will Durst comments on IRS - Tea Party woes
smart meters, Chinese army hackers, WWII review, Ted Cruz - jackass, USA's political assassinations & coups & CIA mischief old and new
A chat with "Sly Stallone" about Rocky Das Musical and (maybe) Rocky VI
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