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Current Events, dating tips from Heather Graham, swinish behavior from radio weasel Michael Savage, scary stats
Arnold for governor satire with cousin Hans and Ted Kennedy
Prayer Antenna commercial, Bush administration puffery, satiical chat with The Incredible Hulk
Current Events
Genetic engineering talk with Whitney Lehman
We speak with Barbara Dixon director of the Museum of Television and Radio
Current Events - in particular the Sacramento Conference n GMOs and the terrifying police presence for same lp us vote
Greg Palast on GOP voter suppression
Jackie Kane of commercials with a conscience
Current Events
Kim Alexander of the California Voter Foundation and SN&R reporter Cosmo Garvin discuss issues of voter manipulation and chicanery
Obits: Gregory Peck with Gary Chew and David Brinkley with KOVR reporter George Franco
Current Events
Investigatve journalist and former FBI agent William Turner talks about the RFK assassination and its oddities
How ERISHA laws used by HMOs to push lawsuits off of their corporations and onto medical onto practitioners
Current Events
Some follow-up with author Reese Erlich on his former co-worker Robart Scheers reports on the Jessica Lynch propaganda effort by the Bush administration
Our cinema correspondent Gary Chew on A Mighty Wind, Dr Andy Jones talks to us about folk music and poetry
Current Events, Everest anniversary
Bay Area journalist Reese Erlich talks about his book Target Iraq, co-authored with Norman Soloman
100th birthday of Bob Hope
Current Events, Jessica Lynch
Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich talks up Washington politics
David Rosenbloom satires: his group YIMBY, promoting vitamin enriched cigarets, Satirical chats with Yuri Fleishman and William Bennett,
Current Events, murderous anti-abortion activists
How the Military Industrial Complex of Dwight Eisenhower resonates in contemporary America as translated through the book Addicted to War, we talk with publisher Frank Dorrel
Report on E.O. Wilsons Mondavi talk and his approach to using economic incentives in conservation
Vicki & Bill Wison tell of their need to obtain a 3rd trimester abortion
Political activist extraordinaire Greg Palast talks about his bestseller The Best Democracy Money Can Buy , and purging of the voter rolls in Florida election 2000 by Jeb Bush to elect his brother
Handoff to Todd Urick plugs James Brown 70th birthday also NPRs list of 100 influential American musical works of the 20th century
Current Events
Chat with Michael Parenti about a political assassination - in this case that of Julius Caeser
Upcoming Mars close approach, Dougs trip to see the aurora in Alaska, new vitamin?,
Current Events, Col. Klondike from Qatar
Science: James Watsons discovery of DNA structure, stupid TV shows, satire with David Rosenbloom on Iraq War PR including Ahmed Chalabi theme
Michael Parenti talks up media bias with focus on Iraq war manipulations
Current Events
Satire of administration spokesman Yuri Fleishman downplaying the trashing of the Iraqi Museum, Satire - Colonel Skip Klondike explains the military situation, real life links between neocons and Israels Likud party
Prayer antenna commercial, our UCD student correspondent Steven Valentino talks about picnic day,
Current Events, hilarious piece from Harpers magazine on fictional alumus Dave Henderson
Steve Alexander talks up wacky legal issues,
The travesty of Iraqi ancient treasures being lost in the US invasion, a look at Fertile Cresent history
Iraq news and manipulations
Dr Lynn Roller professor of classics and art history at UCD talks about the loss of Iraqi antiquities
Gary Chew joins us to talk up Iraq
Current Events
Reading of essay: A Soldiers Viewpoint on Surviving Nuclear, Chemical or Biological attack, excerpt of talk with UCD professor Dr Mark Wheelis expert on WMDs weighs in on the topic
The Oscars go south, Satire - David Rosenbloom reports on Oscars and Razzies and his effort to get Welcome Back Kotter The Movie made
War raging in Iraq, neocon hawk Richard Perle never served but broker arms deals, Satire - White House spokesman Yuri Fleishman offers excuses for Iraqi invasion
Look at the Iraq war nightmare with KDVS reporter Steven Valentino takes apart the coalition allegedly supporting US war efforts, the biohazard lab controversy in Davis, Democratic presidential hopefulls come to Sacto - Steven has his time with John Kerry given to the SF Chronicle, yet gets micro-quote from Kerry
More with reporter Steven Valentino on a variety of topics
Current Events, Libert fries
Bioweapons talk w UCD expert Dr Mark Wheelis
Continuing discussion with Dr Mark Wheelis
Current Events, Tanya vs Paula boxing
Michael Parenti discusses the conditioning of the US population for war via the media
Dr Gary Aguilar discusses official deceptions from aspect of media consolidations and narrowing of perspectives available to the public
Epic anti-war speech by Sen. Robert Byrd
Tony Held botches analysis of the green flash, Whitney Lehman joins in the fun, both talk up issues of atmospheric scienceeric
Tony Held and Whitney Lehman stick around to talk up The Simpsons 300th show
Current Events, Israel
Tragedy of the shuttle Columibia, failed attempts to line up Arab allies for upcoming Iraq war
Trip report on Dougs visit to Caribbean
Shaun Minton on the Hall of Fame
Dr Whitney Lehman talks about some new laws on domestic partnerships
Stewart Gardner talks about some legal issues
Clinton @ UCD
We talk up the Uncle Johns Bathroom Readers series of book with Tony Held with anecdotes
More analysis of bad music with Steven Valentino
Satire - Lewis & Clark
Lawyer Stewart Gardener talks up legal matters
Bad music assessed with fellow public affairs host Steven Valentino
Esquire Dubious Achievements
We talk sports related stuff with broadcast veteran Shaun Minton
Look ahead to future war in Iraq, the horrid & hypocritical Dr Laura, the dolphin safe certification scam, the SUV is more dangerous than smaller cars, gas hogs are one of the blessings of American life, Bill Shatners Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Show inspirartion Steve Alexander returns to the program to talk up one of the great hoaxes in political history The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Bush propaganda on smallpox vaccination done to imply Iraq might loose the disease on the world
Current Events
Am amused look back at 2002 with Tony Held
Dave Barry on 2002, with special permission from Dave to read it, Satire with David Rosenbloom on new book of Bible translation
Current Events, a "Trent Lott" visit
An introduction to the Uncle Johns Bathrrom Readers series with Tony Held , plus a look at myths
Jerry Rose talks up Bolivian eclipse chasing
Current Events, "Trent Lott"
Dr Kathryn Olmstead of UCD talks about her book Red Spy Queen
more Olmstead
Current Events, "Henry Kissinger" weights in on 9/11 investigation, Ike speech on military-industrial complex
Sean Minton talks about Title Nine
Dr Shawn educates us on anesthesia
Thanksgiving program with trivia
Dr Andy Jones talks about Filo T Farnsworth inventor of electronic television (repeat)
Dr Shawn talks about sleep (repeat)
Bill Clinton at UCD, Yuri Fleishman administration spokesman, visit from Paul ddMcCartney
Former FBI agent and investigatve journalist William Turner talks about his book Rearview Mirror . Interview led by James DiEugenio
Part II William Turner with James DiEugenio
Freedonias Going to War, Leonid meteor storm?, Obit: Richard Harris
Whitey Lehman talks about factory farms.
Historian Roger Peterson talks about Wyatt Earp
Current events: SDI vs meteor impact in Siberia vs meteor storms, "Ari Fleishma" talks aboit Iraq
The story of the invention of electronic television with Dr Andy Jones
The story of Muhammed
KDVS News Director joins us for look at "worlds funniest jokes", and we review trivia, and MTV visit to UC Davis sorority for a reality show
Stewart Gardner joins us to talk missiles, football and more
Jerry Rose the man who caught Barry Bonds 71st home run
Tony Held acts as co-pilot, and David Rosenbloom joins us for "hate" review of US Presidents
Tony Held weighs in on global warming as as atmospheric scientist
The strange tale of D.B. Cooper discussed with pilot Vladimir Zeravica
Current Events with our friend Dr Andy Jones
Dr Andy Jones stays with us a talk on television including Mr Lillienthal who spoke at an event on Green Street in SF commeorating a pioneer broadcast from Berkeley
Shaun Minton sports show host re-joins us
Current Events, "Yuri Fleishman" explains the Iraq situation
Sean Minton talks about Sports Illustrateds greatesy moments
Stewart Gardner talks about defense attorneys
Current Events, Dave Barry
Sean Minton the Sports Illustrated cover "jinx"
Tomy Held, Whitney Lehman and Sean Minton opine on the American Film Institutes honorable mentions
Day 359 of search for Osama Bn Laden as we ramp up for war in Iraq, Dave Barry column on big cars,
Shane Carpenter program manager at Sacramento Access talks about the history of radio
Our aviattion correspondent Vladimir Zeravika talks about who invented the airplaneht Brothers
White House Spokeman "Yuri Fleishman" on Bushs visit to Stockton, "Carleton Heston" talks about Sportsblast restaurant in NYC,
A look back at a great legal miscarriage of justice - the prosecution of the McMartin PreSchool staff for imagined molestation, Sacramento News & Review reporter Cosmo Garvin on a local crime involving a juvenile defendant
A look at psychiatry in the courtroom with Andy Keough a witness in a local murder case, and Dr Sean ONeil on evaluating competency in the ER
Indian gaming with David Rosenbloom
Tony Held an atmospheric scientist talks about air quality
Steve Alexander on Cuban embargo
Watergate 30 years on, Steve Alexander talks about calling Kurt Vonnegut for help in with his English paper , and teen age flying lessons
Bush & Cheney and their Enron-like shenanigans, a review of TWA Flight 800 cover-up,
Professional sports broadcaster Shaun Minton joins us for the first time to talk about the broadcasting of sports in America
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