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Current Events
Former 60 minutes producer and Pulitzer prize winner, Lowell Bergman, talks about Arms Merchants and his Frontline special on the subject; Gun Runners.
Meteorologist Elyssa Lynn talks about the amazing Science on a Sphere exhibit currently at Cal Expo
Current Events
Paul Schramski, CA State Director of Pesticide Watch, speaks on the folly of aerial pesicide spraying to combat West Nile virus. And, Sac News & Review writer and Radio Parallax's new Eco correspondent, Jennifer Davidson, introduces herself.
More CE, and the host of KDVS' Saturday Morning Folk Show, Robyne Fawx, comes on to correct last week's obit of Lady Astor.
Current Events
Brad Friedman of bradblog.com discusses election fraud and the recent hacking and decertification of Diebold electronic voting machines. And, Dr. Sharad Malelu talks about the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan (encore).
Obit; Lady Astor
Current Events
Dr. Matthew Bishop of UC Davis and Dr. David Wagner of UC Berkeley discuss the vulnerability of California's recently decertified electronic voting machines
Las Vegas correspondent Dr. Sam Russo talks about the last episode of the Sopranos.
Current Events
Pulitzer prize winning author Chris Hedges talks about his book, American Facists, which documents the agenda of radical right wing christians (encore presentation)
Excerpt of Radio Parallax interview with author, and founder of salon.com, David Talbot, on his book, Brothers, The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years; and author Jim Gerard, speaks about his new book , Beam Me Up, Jesus - A Heathen's guide to the Rapture.
Current Events
Astronomer, Dr. Alan Hirshfeld, discusses his book , Parallax, The Race To Measure The Cosmos.
Origins of Sunni and Shiite. Current events.
Current Events
Tour d'France winner Floyd Landis speaks about cycling and the controversy surrounding his 2006 victory.
Former Aerojet worker Leno Carolo talks about meeting Gus Grissom and other astronauts while helping build the rocket engine that helped save the Apollo 13 crew.
Current Events
Mitchell Benson, head of UC Davis' News and Information Service talks about Huell Howser's recent visit to the campus. And, Dr. Bill Ferrier speaks about The California Raptor Center
Obit: Ladybird Johnson, Count Gottfried von Bismark.
Current Events
Screenwriter, author, and blogger (of the great site News from Me) ,Mark Evanier, gives a report about the recent All Star Mort Sahl tribute.
Egyptologist Matthew McCauley lends insight to the Great Pyramids and ancient Egypt
Current Events
Professor Alfred McCoy speaks about the recent plot to usurp the current Laotian government.
Obit: Ed Yost, Stu Wexler comments on inaccuracies in Vincent Bugliosi's book on the assassination of JFK, Dr. Malcom North discusses the Angora fire currently raging in the Sierras.
Current Events
Dr. Garen Wintemute speaks about gun violence.
Obit: Sir Wally Herbert, the first man to reach the North Pole on foot. Science topics
Interview with veteran voice actor extraordinaire, Corey Burton (encore)
Interview with author Michael Trachtman about his book The Supremes' Greatest Hits - The 34 Supreme Court Cases That Most Affect Your Life (encore)
Science topics
Current Events
Science, politics,news
Obit: Stanley Miller, science
Current Events
Vincent Bugliosi, best selling author and former Los Angeles District Attorney, talks about his new book; Reclaiming History, The Assassination of JFK, in which he claims to have put to rest the controversies that surround that historic event (part 1)
Vincent Bugliosi, former LA DA, talks about Reclaiming History, The Assassination of JFK, (part 2)
Current Events
Professor Larry Berman discusses his latest book, The Perfect Spy.
Dr. Kirsten Gilardi talks about her project to recover hazardous lost fishing line and gear from California's waters
Capitol Public Radio's Donna Apidone, talks about her upcoming interview, An Evening With Morning Edition, at the Mondavi Center; and William Beteta, Chief of Interpretation and Visitor Services at the Brown verses Board of Education National Historic Site in Topeka, Kansas, talks about the anniversary of the historic decision.
Caitlyn O'Connell discusses her book, The Elephants Secret Sense. - Professor Jorge Dubcovsky talks about wheat rust and the history of wheat. - KDVS Producer Steve Lambert talks about his recent write up in The New York Times.
Science topics, obits; Tom Poston and Don Ho.
Current Events
Steve Freeman discusses vote tampering in the past three US elections, and Pulitzer prize winning journalist, Chris Hedges, talks about his documentation of the taunting and murder of Palestinian youths by Israeli forces in a refugee camp.
Current Events; Science, Obits; Tommy Newsom
Current Events
Dr. Bill Durston of Physicians for Social Responsibility speaks out on gun control.
Science topics, obits; Boris Yeltsin, David Halberstam, Jack Valenti and Bobby (Boris) Pickett
Will Durst and James Israel talk about the 16th anniversary of the Comic Press News and it's name change to, The Humor Times.
Steve Ettlinger, author of Twinkie Deconstructed, talks about what goes into some of our snack foods (encore).
Current Events; Science (encore)
Current Events
Karl Mogel host of KDRT's, The Inoculated Mind, speaks with Douglas Everett
Encore presentation of Author George Pendle discussing his book, Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons
Current Events, Misha Brodsky recounts being in the USSR in 1961 when Uri Gagarin became the first man to return from a space flight.
Pulitzer prize winning author Chris Hedges talks about his book American Facists which documents the agenda of radical right wing christians
Science topics, current events
Current Events
Iraq update and Indiana correspondent Jeremy Newton gives a report
James Israel of the Humor Times celebrates 16 years in print
Current Events, interview with WECI program director Alice Edgarton and Jeff Shaw, station director of KDRT
Lt Col Charlie Brown discusses his possible run for congress.
National politics, 'Donald Trump' talks about getting rich.
Current Events, NYC correspondent Steven Valentino give an update.
Interview with author Michael Trachtman about his book The Supremes' Greatest Hits - The 34 Supreme Court Cases That Most Affect Your Life
Iraq War price tag examination, political analysis.
Current Events
Douglas Everett highlights some of the 'jackasses' in the news
Current Events; Science
Current Events
Steve Ettlinger, author of Twinkie Deconstructed, talks about what exactly goes into the well-known snack food.
Politics, science, and a dubious ossuary from the time of Jesus
Current Events
Kirsten Sanford, host of This Week in Science, talks about her attendance at a science conference in SF last week. Benjamin Jonas-Keeling former producer of CPR's Insight lends a hand in determining which Coca-Cola sweetener tastes best.
Obit: Frankie Laine, science topics.
Current Events
Iraq war political analysis
Science, Bob Carrol obit
Current Events
Interview with author David Wallechinsky on his survey of the world's 10 worst dictators
Dr. Andrew Nangalama describes meeting Idi Amin and his escape from Uganda to avoid persecution (part 2)
Current events, and writer Lyra Halprin gives her eyewitness account of the Yuba City flood of the 1950's
Science potpourri: Cure for cancer? How bats fly, Do you and your mate have compatible immune systems, and more.
Dr. Andrew Nangalama talks about meeting Idi Amin and his escape from Uganda to avoid persecution, (part 1). Molly Ivins obituary.
Current Events
Interview with PJ O'Rourke about his new book On The Wealth of Nations, a look into Adam Smith's classic book from the late 1700's
Current Events; Science
Current Events
Interview with CC Goldwater on her documentary; Mr. Conservative, Goldwater on Goldwater
Review of the classic, English as She is Spoke, by Pedro Carolino
Current Events
Benjamin Jonas-Keeling, producer of Capitol Public Radio's Insight program, talks about his upcoming move to The Voice of America
Interview with 'Senator Joe Lieberman'
Current Events
Author George Pendle discusses his book, Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons
Science topics, Van Halen admitted to Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame
Current Events
Dr. Phil Plait, founder of bad astronomy.com discusses the top 10 astronomy images of 2006
Current Events; Science
Current Events
Dr. Whitney Leeman speaks about the hazards of factory farms
Obituaries - G.R. Ford, Frank Stanton
Current Events
Russell Ash author of 'The Top 10 of Everything' talks about his latest edition
Science Topics, current events
Steven Valentino guest hosts for the vacationing Douglas Everett.
Sara Lynn gives report on Loveline's Dr. Drew Pinski's recent lecture at CSUS
Encore presentation - Stephen Kleinedler of American Heritage Dictionary talks about his book '100 Words Almost Everyone Confuses and Misuses'
Current Events
Steven Valentino, former KDVS General Manager interviews Douglas Everett about his world travels.
Science Topics
Current Events
Investigative Journalist and author Lisa Pease speaks about 'Bobby', a new film about Robert Kennedy
Science Topics, current events
Current Events
Encore presentation of interview with Mark Anderson author of 'Shakespeare by Another Name', a book concerning the life of the 17th Earl of Oxford, the man who was the famous bard
Encore presentation of 'Peter Pan' by NPR's Ira Glass
Current Events
Rita Maloof gives an eye witness account of Israel's 2006 invasion of Lebanon
Sara Lynn, Radio Parallax's CSUS liason, gives a report about Director Oliver Stone's recent lecture at CSUS
Current Events
Analysis of Election 2006
Science Topics, current events
Current Events
Alan Stanton & David Mather discuss the upcoming election in California.
Science Topics, current events
Current Events
Jeff Kravitz, Bob Fritakis Ohio activist discuses the theft of the Presidential election in 2004.
Science Topics, current events
Current Events
F.B.I. Special Agent John Peterson talks about cracking the Walker family spy ring
Current Events; Science
Current Events
Douglas Everett comments on current political turmoil over Bob Woodwards new book
Sara Lynn, Radio Parallax's new CSUS liason, gives a report about a recent comedy competition
Current Events
Douglas Everett's update and analysis of Iraq invasion and subsequent fiasco
Current Events; Science
Current Events
Interview with Ohio Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate Bob Fritakis on election fraud in the 2004 presidential race
Obituaries, Science, and a talk with 'Senator Joseph Lieberman'.
Current Events
Mark Anderson author of 'Shakespeare by Another Name' discusses the 17th Earl of Oxford, the man who was the famous bard
Science topics, super weeds and dark matter...
Current Events and Dr. Andy Jones discusses the Yeats poem 'The Second Coming'.
911 - 5 years after. Douglas Everett editorializes on the failed war on terror
Nelly Connelly obituary and Science topics are covered
Current Events
Jeff Shaw station director of KDRT in Davis speaks about starting a radio station
Investigative journalist Lisa Pease speaks on the passing of Lawrence Teeter, attorney for Sirhan Sirhan, and former Radio Parallax guest.
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