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Some favorite clips from the years 2005-2010
Present time musings
Look back at 23 years of radio from Douglas Everett & Edward MacMillan
More Radio Parallax look-back, a potpourri of favored snippets
Obit: Harry Belafonte, Secretariat the Derby winner and Dancers Image a Derby loser, strange alga, new eco-garbage-plastic-system
A look at the Supreme Court of the United States with Steven J. Harper
The (fortunately stymied) Reber Plan to fill in San Francisco Bay, GB&U, science topics
Dr Grover Proctor talks about The Raleigh Call, the mysterious episode of Lee Harvey Oswalds attempt to make a phone call while in police custody
Discussion of the Americas most popular dog breed the French Bulldog with veterenarian Evelyn Warner ,the dog of the plant world i.e. the cabbage family, life under the snow, warmer oceans, Rolling Stone article on Okavango oil drillling
Psychiatry detour, why name mascots after nasty beasts, SSRI hucksterism, Freud the fraud, bad science of Stanly Milgram experiment, Obit: Benjamin Ferencz, the last surviving Nuremberg prosecutor, look back on Charoltte Denon interview about prosecuting George W Bush for murder, quote from Vince Bugliosi on Iraq War, misremembering that war by the NYT and its culpability in that conflict
GB&U, a review of some environmental issues, Michael Lewis essay from 2004 on investor driven corporate misbehavior
Steven J Harper discusses his book Crossing Hoffa , a tale of his fathers union work getting entangled with the efforts of the Teamsters leader
Bill Maher use of canned laughter, recycled comedy bits, Uncle Johns review including sourdugh bread, Shasta Lemurians, Heaves Gate cult, how win all arguments
Worst opening lines in novels, Komodo Dragon bit from Bob & Ray, more Unlce Johns, our favorite classic bit from National Lampoon Radio Hour w Belushi, Radner & Harold Ramis - Perry Shriner Court Appointed Lawyer
GB&U, James Risen on meaninless vote to end Iraq War, Atlantic article by Breakthrough Institute bullsh*tters and their outing, water woes, a few frivolities
Trump indictment - an analysis from our resident expert on things related to DJT and legal matters Steven J. Harper
Our wet year restores the drained Tulare Lake, an essay on 20 years look back on the Iraq War based on lies, Silicon Valley Chatbotpocalypse and how AI learns how lie to us in order to sound convincing
October Surprise update, Jeff Morley and Greg Palast weigh in, a clip from our chat with Robert Parry in 2004, clip from Barbara Honegger in 2006 on the same topic, follow up essay from Parry in Consortium News
Spring, Trump non-indictment, 20 year anniversary of shame vs Iraq war, report from Mexico, Uranium, repealing Iraq enabling laws, WMD lie, French retirees get angry, weight watchers drugs, anti-mask disinformation, GB&U, nord stream PR battle, Trump continues to skate, Pence might be waking up
GMOs from corn to dogs, worst movie ever seen by host wins 2023 Oscar, spineless Kevin McCarthy, CPAC nuts ARE the new GOP, Carlson hypocricy on FOX, a look at WOKE including equity language, libertarian hypocrisy when their banks tank
Eclipse chasing, listener mail, "ancient alien" nonsense, Isaac Asimovs take on "flying saucers", seeing the future - in 1964, nuclear power, new game changer obesity drugs, insulin highway robbery in the USA
Free range chat with our favorite pharmacologist Howard McKinney
Expiration dates, Georgia politics, AI spying on your friends now, smart devices can cut off your devices, crappy tech support via new ways of doing things, GB&U, satellite light pollution, urban concrete promotes floods
Howard McKinney talks about how to not commit suicide, Swiss chocolate from Slovakia, AMLO and the elf, NY cat cafe, return of the Dodo,
Chat with investigative journalist Russ Baker over his essays pondering the view of some progressives that Putins war in Ukraine is somehow justified, GB&U
Musing on Jimmy Carter, quotes from Greg Palasts essay echoing Russ Baker - on the puzzling alignment of liberals and the MAGA crowd on the war Ukraine
Isolated interview with Russ Baker
GB&U, saga of St Augustine, getting spied on, getting covid again, Obits: Gina Lollobrigida, Richard Belzer, Bert Bacharach
Chatbots go loopy, railroad safety, nordstream pipeline sabotage - done by USA says Sy Hersch, Dealey Plaza remdel
Beaver lodge breaking & entering, north star stuff, Tito the missing Bolivian cat, Borowitz, GB&U, single cell creatures go fraternal, pirates & guacamole, the bear on Mars,
Author and adjunct professor of law Steven J Harper returns to discuss the GOPs efforts to play debt ceiling politics
Current Events, science topics
Chat with attorney Bill Simpich about the DOJs response to the lawsuit filed to release JFK records, polaris our pole star
Archive program from 2006 show #212 ledgendary Actor Eli Wallach
Archive programe from 2008 show #318 James Kakalios on The Science of Superheros
Obits for Jeff Beck, Jerry Lee Lewis, Gaylord Perry, look back on bio lab & delta smelt, ChatGPT test drive by us, GB&U, The Intercept looks at US communications at start of Covid pandemic, Chinese resurgence of same
Ozone hole improving, flipping public opinion, AI acting as an attorney in the courtroom, more woke censorship, raising a lion to shoot it, giant Stone Mountain racist scupture, the Pentagon cannot self-audit, anti-depressants and pacebo - maybe the same thing, chemical imbalance theory BS
Einstein wisecrack, Dave Barry 2022 year in review, loonie column on why voter supression is no big, more Delta smelt woes despite temporary slowing of delta pumps, laughable Stanford PC language guidelines gets laughed at, the CES in Las Vegas just keeps making our lives better - talking dog devices, AI based baby stroller, South African aloe vera mistaken for aliens
New revelations on ancient concrete, AG Rob Bonta suing over insuin price gouging, disables journalist Peter Pischke essay on continued opiod restictions per CDC, deep dive into The Week, GB&U, George Santos - astounding liar and Congressman, Kevin McCarthy - subpoena dodger and House Speaker, combo desk and exercise bike, marijuana tax revenue, Ugandan farmer with 12 wives and 558 grandkids now in favor of birth control
New light on origins of covid-19 per odd Wuhan e-mails from a Pro Publica & Vanity Fair investigation
Archival items: a 2002 look at aspiring NATO members, a 2007 look at Chairman Mao, 2011 Mental Floss look at dictator bad ideas, 2012 obit of Daniel Kaminsky, 2001 obit of Ramsey Clark, 2005 essay - was modern art a CIA weapon?, SNR article on home heating by burning food (corn) in a stove, 2009 Mental Floss piece - Voltaire vs Rousseau
Welcomng 2023, favored quotes and quips, polls, 2022 pop Quiz, GB&U, animal news, "opiod crisis" update, old GB&U,
Monsoon vs drought woes, megaflood warning, sewage fish kill in SF via red tide, technology review including chatbots/AI and voter manipulation, Covid origin controversy
More crypto woes, and more on corporate socialism/ financial chicanery, follow-up items French language; canoing in the Pacific, MDMA, January 6th commission advice, Trump gets nuttier yet, the Economist looks back at its predictions and 2022 news, cover-ups, more Delta Tunnel machinations and the continued destruction of the ecosystem for the benefit of developers and agribusiness
GB&U, Americas Frontline Doc indicted, Greg Palast observations on Georgia voter suppression - contrary to what the MSM has reported, Jefferson Morley on the continuing failure of the CIA to obey the law and release hidden JFK records, the insanity of quantum computers & SNDL and PQC, fusion advancement, fentanyl ODs and school responsibiity, desk bombing, the yeast that gave us lager
Motion picture mentions, space news, tech follies, the JCPA and ripping off journalists, AM radio elimination in elecrric cars, GB&U, phone call from Mitch McConnel
The history of Ukraine vs Russia, background data provided by Yale history professor Timothy Snyder, who discusses the Holodomor Joseph Stalins starvation of Ukraine, special mention of how coverage of the events was manipulated
Isolated phone call from McConnel from segment 1
A chat with Mat Kaplan the excellent, but soon-to-be retired host of the terrific program Planetary Radio, which will continue next year
Mars opposition 12/07/22, Asimov quip, dodging waves, soccer, GB&U, Venzuela money deal, evil energy lobbying from Texas Public Policy Foundation, more crypt woes, the story of Gareth Jones and the murderous Ukranian Holodomor
Reprise program - our 2007 interview with Steven Etlinger on his book Twinkie Deconstructed , a look at what goes into that snack food, surprise call from Senator Mitch McConnel
James Brown PSA, Reprise of our 2009 interview with Kurt Ebsmeyer about his book Flotsametrics , tales of thngs floating on the high seass
Our language corresndent Gordon Smith chats with is about French words and phrases that we commonly use in English
Miscellanous material converted into radio - demonstrated - AAA magazine riff, Mars opposition, Oval Office oddities, new iron-nickel magnets, outsourcing stupidity, Herman Daly obit, GPD stupidity,
Review of not quite a red wave in election with Steven J Harper
Steve Harper stays with us to talk about NYT article of Russiagate links to Putin war in Ukraine, GB&U, Obit Angela Lansbury
21st century George McClellan, still more Trump lies, polls of confusion, fake Terrorists for DJT, still more Pelosi propaganda and fears of more violence while avoiding Jan 6th coup, Rutenberg NYT article on Russiagate
We get off politicians by taking about other venomous snakes w toxicologist Howard McKinney
Election fears, Pelosi MAGA propaganda, Musk, Tech disinfo, more Saudi skulduggery & gas price chicanery, Ashby v Jones race, lawsuit to promote animal cruelty, GOP adopts the anti-vaxxer gang
Good, Bad & Ugly, methane woes, absent blacks in MLB, exo-biology, svelte paleo, fake heirloom foods, election presevers
Attorney Bill Simpich explains the lawsuit filed by him on behalf of the Mary Ferrel Foundation to compel the release of still hidden records in accordance with the JFK Records Act. First Trump and now Biden have stalled this effort despite clear direction found in the law.
Good, Bad & Ugly, Sasheen Littlefeather - fake native American, DOJ - fake Trump investigation? the January 6th Commission, look back at what makes a Fascist regime, running up a high school football score, running up the score against the 49ers
Greg Palast returns to discuss vote suppression and his new documentary titled Vigilante . It centers on Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and he is not the hero of the story.
Good, Bad & Ugly, a look back at a footnote figure from German National Socialist history Ernst Hanfstangl, the capture of GOP candidates by Donald Trump and his big election theft lie - a troubling American lurch towards Fascism, tech fails
Steven J Harper retruns to discuss Donald Trump and the curious events surrounding his efforts to overturn democracy
We take another look at the remarkable life of General Smedly Butler, this time with help from our friend Gordon Smith
Nod to last weeks re-play of Chris Hedges from 2007 interview on American Fascists and David Talbot in 2011 on Smedley Butler - available on this site, jailing Jan 6th small fry, follow-ups, asteroid smash-up, biome news, GB&U, ghoul star, ghoul satellite, Frank Drake obit, H.L.Menken
Google re-assurances, FB too, Barton Gellman book and Snowdon Frontline special from 2014, Mother Jones reporting on Trump, MAGA circuses, and Peter Thiel dark and his dark arts, sad report on Albert Sidney Burslon and 1917 censorship
African anecdotes, David McCullough obit, La Nina x3, fusion, GB&U, science stuff, Marin milkweed
Bolinasro bull, how Trump coup d etat attempt was stymied, AZ GOP pol punished for standing up for election results, election fears, MacMusic
Funny travel tale, QE2, Good Bad & Ugly, Fake Famous documentary - making web influencers out of nothing, the firing of Brian Stelter at CNN
Giant $ donation to Federalist Society for reactionary pols, Big Tech hires economists, video game addiction, vacum cleaner spy, more toxic tech, polio comeback, monkeypox PR issue, space oddities investigation
Post vacation show: look at August travels combined with news of period - most prediminanty the passing of the towering figure of Mikhail Gorbachev, preliminary Dubai denunciation along with DIY phone-based bookings (works great so long as there are no complications)
Fun in Africa part one, along with more gripes about Big Techs alliance with travel corporations to eliminate humans from the process, balanced with raves about touring South Africa, Victoria Falls, and the spectacular wildlife of Botawana, viva travel
Vacation show 4: reprise interview with Sam Kean on his sciene book "The Violinists Thumb", one of our four chats with Sams, in this case about the genetic code
Speaking of four chats: reprise of our talk with Mary Roach in this case her book on the alimantary canal titles "Gulp"
Vacation show 3: reprise interview with author Darren W. Miller about his book and website Web of Conspiracy , key take away to this discussion was that not all of it is nonsense, many conspiracies are real things
the odd story of the telephone patent, reprise interview with Seth Shulman about his book The Telephone Gambit
Vacation program 2 - new interview with James DiEugenio on JFK Through th Looking Glass book to accompany the Oliver Stone produced documantary (Jim wrote the screenplay) and a look back at Watergate
More from James DiEugenio on the real story of Watergate, which is much more tied to intelligence agencies and operatives than portrayed by Woodward and Bernstein
Vacation program 1: reprise of our 2008 discussion on arms deaer Viktor Boot with LA Times reporter Steven Braun from 2008
Fun 2010 interview with Jay Rankin on his six year career as a Laz Vegas doorman
Showbiz detour: George Jetson, Budd Shulberg, Graham Greene, Shinzo Abe back story via Sterling Segrave, brief review of past and fuure guest Michael Trachtmans take on Citizens United, Christine Whitmans (and Andrew Yangs) new political party, goodbye to OAN, Trump purge plans for future
Good, Bad & Ugly, Elon Musk misbehavior, Frontline classic from 2014 - The United States of Secrets and how Big Tech and the NSA really do listen in to phone conversations, docu on scandalous attack on USS Liberty in 1967 by Israel, civil rights on the chopping block and right to a lawyer, the Dumbarton Bridge
Ivana Trump dies (not of shame), GB&U, how Mongolians manage to make use of dairy products - secrets of the microbiome
Steven J. Harper returns to discuss developments in holding Trump accountable for his attempted overthrow of the United States government
Boris Johnson sacked, Hershel Walker babble, Republican downplaying sedition and ? thriving, Democrats suicidal tacking, a right to dessert, the SCOTUS might invalidate the federal government, GB&U
Euro-Dollar parity, world population going over the cliff with Musk and economists approval, Webb telescope expands what Edwin Hubble discovered just one centure ago, real estate goes off the cliff in the Bay Area, enviro woes, our look at LaMDA, the Goodgle AI program that is alleged to be sentient
Isolated bit on the allegedly sentient and perhaps allegedly humorous AI program LaMDA
Jokes from the archives, updates from Jan 6th hearing, bugs matter, mocking the Grammies, space updates, Mexico news including anti-slavery efforts vs Texans,
Burning the wrongdoing into the public mind, Jim Hougan & Watergate, giant bacteria, ocean engineering on CO2?, pathenocarpy upadte, health tips, more jokes
Political potpourri, prelude of Michael Trachtman talk on Supreme Court decisions prelude
GB&U, true love anecdotes, science topics, fashion produces 3rd most CO2 after electrical generation & construction, fish pond restoration, custom cancer treatments, Obituaries - Barry Sussman, James Rado
Science topics, GB&U, Steve Bannon article in The Atlantic
The January 6th Hearings - summary to date with Steven J. Harper
Interview with Jefferson Morley on his riviting new book Scorpions Dance, The President, the Spymaster, and Watergate
GB&U, replay of our chat with the legendary Carol Channing from 2005
Smothers Brothers 2022, Hippo ranching, Chagas chaos, GB&U, tech moguls concept of free speech, Jan 6th hearings, preview of Watergate chat w Jefferson Morley, Bill Barr turns on Trump - finally, candidate statement, changing your name to salmon
Eatng ugly seafood, excess covid deaths in USA at maybe 900,000, Wuhan lab leak revisited, Trump still in play for 2024 thanks to Bannon, questioning liberal policies on crime, PA crazy Senate race, testosterone issues in sports
GB&U (incuding UCD mascot PC replacement), corporate accountability, economists taking over the world, big data woes, the fallacy of our decision making being logical and wishful thinking, high speed internat scam, satellites vs night sky, GOP coup still simmering
Water issues with Dan Bacher , evaluation of Covid responses around the world (USA under Trump gets an F), ants using antibiotics
Gun madness examined, meteor bust, Maher on college, Krugman (and more) on Big Tech backing Republicans, Durham BS investigation on Russiagate,
Political chicanery part II, Bidens disinformation board (and Nina Jankowits) sunk by disinformation, Marcos gold, anti-abortion craziness, Stari decisis slippery slope, excerpts of prior talk with Michael Trachtman on Brown v Board replacing Plessy v Ferguson
Extended rant on the deadly combination of repacement theories and gunplay
Astrology correction, environmental issues, quotes from The Book of Heroic Failures
Asymptomtic infections, The Blob in Colombia, Hangar 1 renovation, Clarence Thomas and other jerks om the SCOTUS, Nicaraguan role models, abortion support, Democratic cowardice, GB&U, non-recyclable plastics, health breakthroughs
Excerpts from our prior 3 chats with Uncle John Javna and exceprts from the Bathroom Readers series of books
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