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Current Events, Will Durst comments on Labor Day
Science, politics.
More science and politics
Current Events
Activist Burt Wilson talks about the currently ongoing, underhanded and nefarious attempts to divert yet more water to Southern California
Iranian American (and KDVS DJ) Tara Eshghi discusses the sabre rattling between Iran and Israel.
Current Events
Science, politics and Will Durst comments on Swamp Drainage
Science, history, politics, current events.
Current Events
Author, Mary Roach, talks about her new book "Packing For Mars, the Curious Science of Life in the Void"
More Science stuff
Current Events, Will Durst comments on Deep Dish Pizza
Publisher & Comedian, Ngaio Bealum, talks about the CA marijuana initative (Prop 19) and cannabis in general
Dr. Gary Aguilar, on the recent increase in Whooping Cough and relates his recent experience with the same.
Current Events
Obituary: Daniel Schorr, senior NPR news correspondent, talks about his life in radio. (encore)
Excerpts of Douglas Everett's talk with George McGovern and Daniel Schorr on Capital Public Radio's Insight program
Current Events
Journalist, Film maker Matt Perry talks World Cup and films
Sara, of Sara's Hair Salon, comments on a non-Persian actor playing the lead in The Prince of Persia, and some other things related to Iran
Current Events, Will Durst comments on The GOP
Political Activist Jerry Policoff talks about his current run for the State Legislture in Pennsylvania
Science, history, politics, current events.
Current Events, Will Durst comments on 'The World Cup'
Obit: Senator Robert Byrd, Science topics
Female A discusses the different navigation methods used by men and women
Current Events
General Chuck Yeager (second half of interview)
Obits: Jimmy Dean, Joan Hinton
Current Events, Will Durst comments on 'Politics as Usual'
Newsweek's Evan Thomas, talks about his new book "The War Lovers, Roosevelt, Lodge, Hearst, And The Rush To Empire, 1898"
Debbie Hollingsworth & Bruce Stiny give Doug a tour of the 'This Means War' exhibit of the Spanish American War, on display at the CA State Capitol Museum
Current Events
Gregg Stebben of Men's Health Magazine talks about some fascinating new developments in cancer detection using the remarkable sense of smell of dogs.
Science topics, current events
Current Events
Truth activist, Mark Graham, talks about some of the curious and suspicious events that surrounded the 911 tragedy.
Current Events; Science
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on 'The Third Gulf War'
Science potpourri
Obits; Dennis Hopper,
Current Events, Comedian Michael O'Connell
LCDR Ted Robinson USNR, talks about a daring rescue he performed during the WWII Battle of Okinawa (pt 1)
Ted Robinson talks about rescue at Okinawa (pt 2)
Current Events, Will Durst comments on 'Manhattan Flannel'.
Science, history, politics and whatever we damn well please...
Outgoing KDVS GM, Kevin Corrigan, talks about the LA Times, Investgative journalist Lisa Pease, weighs in on the ouster of Bob Bennett from the Senate
Current Events
A chat with Phil Proctor of the ledgendary Firesign Theatre
Denise Fitzgerald talks about experiences as an auditor in the Health Insurance industry.
Current Events
Author Gerald Nachman talks about his book, Seriously Funny, The Rebel Comedians of the 1950's and 1960's
America's foremost political comedian Will Durst, talks about the SF Bay area comedy scene
Current Events
LCDR Ted Robinson USRN, talks about his recent donation to the Smithsonian, the a cane used by JFK. Will Durst comments on the GOP needing a new scale.
Author Activist Charlotte Dennett updates her efforts with Vincent Bugliosi to prosecute George W. Bush for murder.
Current Events
Science, history, politics and whatever we damn well please...
Science topics, Obits:
Current Events
General Chuck Yeager talks about his escape from Nazi-held France during WWII (part 1)
Current events, Obit: Elinor Smith
WNYC Producer, Steven Valentino, reminisces about his radio work at KZFR & KDVS
history, politics and whatever we please...
Obits: Charlie Wilson, Alexander Haig and test pilot, Gen. Robert White
Current Events, Will Durst comments on 'making sausage'
Science topics
Author Attorney Charlotte Dennett talks about her efforts with Vincent Bugliosi to prosecute George W. Bush for Murder.
Current Events
Journalist, Jefferson Morley, talks about his newly discovered information about Lee Harvey Oswald's interaction with the CIA and his book, Our Man in Mexico.
Adventure Cyclist, Willie Weir, again talks about bike travel around the world and at home.
Current Events
Radio host, Dr. Dave Schneider, talks about a pesticide that turns male frogs into females.
Obits; Composer of My Sharona, Doug Feiger
Current Events, Adventure Cyclist, Willie Weir discusses his book, Travels With Willie.
An analysis of the current water grab going on in California
Local Radio Legend Phil Cowan talks about some of his radio and television experiences
Current Events, Will Durst comments on Dick Cheney's heart
Douglas Everett does a retrospective of Radio Parallax with sound clips of many notable moments inspired by the recent article on the SN&R by Rachel Lebrock
Current Events; Science
Current Events, Will Durst offers President Obama his 2 cents.
LCDR Ted Robinson USNR talks about his autobiography, Water In My Veins, in which he recounts his part in the rescue of Lt John F. Kennedy and the crew of PT 109.
France Kassing, host of, It's About You, discusses her many interviews with the late historian Howard Zinn
Current Events, Will Durst offers Obama 'Help"
Nick Brunner talks about his web based radio program "Off Air" and his work at Capitol Public Radio.
Dr. Andy Jones helps discuss the Obit of Eric Segal
Current Events, Will Durst gives Obama a report card after a year in office
William Poundstone discusses his book, Priceless, The Myth of Fair Value (and how to take advantage of it).
Dr. Andy Jones, talks about the recently deceased, J.D. Salinger. Mat Kaplan of Planetary Radio, gives updates on Mars and space exploration.
Current Events
Author Jay Rankin talks about his book, Under the Neon Sky, a colorful and entertaining recounting of his life as a doorman at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Science topics, current events
Current Events
Author Gerald Nachman, discusses his book on the inimitable Ed Sullivan titled, Right Here on our Stage Tonight.
Current Events; Science
Current Events
Legendary UC Davis physician and educator, Dr. Faith Fitzgerald, talks medicine, health and history
Science topics, current events
Current Events
Science topics
Chris Thielen, host of KDVS's American Athiest talks about his program
Current Events
Will Durst comments on the top 10 comedic news stories of 2009, science topics
Obits: William Pond of the American River Bike Trail, economist Paul Samuelson
Current Events, Will Durst comments on Christmas shopping
Gordon 'Uncle John' Javna talks about, Plunges Into Music, his latest Bathroom Reader (encore)
William Poundstone reveals, Big Secrets, like the formula for Coke and how the Empire State Building was made to 'vanish' (encore).
Current Events
Sac News & Review's Kel Munger talks about anti-gay legislation in Africa
Obit: TV evangelist Oral Roberts, now burning in hell
Current Events
Sacramento writer & fisheries activist Dan Bacher talks about water issues in the Sacramento Delta.
Science topics, current events
Current Events
Science, history, politics and whatever we damn well please...
Potpurri, current events, science round up
Current Events, Will Durst comments on Black Friday
Shaun Minton talks sports
National Lampoon Radio Hour classic "Perry Shriner Court Appointed Lawyer" located after 35 years of search by the host, who heard original airing as a UCD undergrad only to see it mysteriously disappear
Current Events, Will Durst comments on Turkey Day
Science, history, politics and whatever we damn well please...
Current Events; Science, 'Joe Lieberman'
Current Events
Jeff Russell of the Dolphin Club and SF Bay Keepers talks about swimming in the SF Bay without a wetsuit and their team swim from Sacramento to the Baymore.
Science topics
Current Events
Science, history, politics and whatever we damn well please...
Science topics
Current Events
Rancher John Wood talks about the health and environmental benefits of his grass fed livestock
Science topics
Current Events
Science, history, politics and whatever we damn well please...
Obits: Joseph Wiseman, Elizabeth Prophet
Current Events, Will Durst comments on Obama's recent Nobel Prize
Astronomy Professor Alan Hirshfeld talks about his new book on Archimedes, titled; Eureka Man.
Current Events; Science
Current Events
Dr. Richard Muller, discusses his book, Physics for Future Presidents.
Cool As Folk host, Michael Leahy comments on his recent award from SN&R and other topics related to Folk and Americana music
Current Events, Will Durst comments on, How not to contract the Swine Flu
Radio Parallax music correspondent David Watts Barton talks about the recently released and remastered Beatles catalog.
Obits: Mary Travers, William Saffire
Current Events, Will Durst comments on, It's the stupid, stupid.
Science, history, politics and whatever we damn well please...
Science topics
Current Events
Colin Powell in Sacto, gun rights expansion, goofball file, vampire nonsense
SNR awards - sad radio award, comedy bit from Nat Lamp radio hour - "Mr Rogers", Bob & Ray Komodo dragon bit, science - the dark flow of galaxies
Current Events, Will Durst comments on, King of the dim
Political round up
Science topics
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