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Current Events
Interview: Investigative reporter Lisa Pease - Howard Dean (and other) campaigns
Interview: Dr. Bruce Betts, The Planetary Society – Martian Rover updates
Current Events
Mars update
Current Events
Current Events; Science; Satire – "skull and bones"
Review of The Fog of War, Gary Chew Carleton Heston – American Landmine Manufacturers Association
Michael Salem - Parents of Murdered Children; Satire - Rush Limbaugh's fact checker
Current Events; post-election review
Science – news Mars data, deep sea ice, man & dog
Steve Alexander - the McGeorge Law School team competition.
Current Events; Pre-election show
Senator Tom McClintock - ballot propositions; Sacramento mayoral candidate Ross Relles
Oscar predictions with Dr. Andy Jones; Satire - outsourcing with "Tex" McDaniel
Current Events
Professor Sharad Malelu - India Part II
Radio Pacificas (and KDVSs) Sakura Saunders on The Revolution Will Not Be Televised documentary; Satire - "Crazy Eddie" Chalabi
Current Events
Valentines Day; Steve Valentino, Satire - Col. Klondike
Interview: Local legend Mick Martin - The Blues, film reviews; more Lieberman satire
Current Events
Current Events; Science Topics
Jack Paar Tribute Segment with Gary Chew contributing
Current Events; science issues
Investigative writer Jerry Policoff - elections and polling
Current Events; still more "Lieberman"
Current Events
GOP candidate John Buchanan from his New Hampshire primary campaign.
Current Events; more "Joe Lieberman" on the hustings
Current Events
Current Events
Attorney Jim Harrison – some interesting current legal issues
Current Events
CSUS Professor of Sociology Dr. Sharad Malelu - India
Science – the Mars Rovers, first hand report from Pasadena "Planetfest" of Spirit robot landing
Special live edition of program broadcast despite broadcast issues, co-hosted by KDVS News Director Steven Valentino and updated by Rich Lusher engineer, News Years Day program looks at 6 degrees of separation,
Steven Valentino stays with us joins us for look back at 2003
Steve Valentino and article from France Senecal on FBI monitoring people carrying almanacs
More "Joe Lieberman"; Current Events; Science
Famed hoaxes
Ira Glass, This American Life: hilarious episode on "fiasco" – Peter Pan production
Current Events; "Joe Lieberman" interview; Ted Dunning of KDVS's This Week in Science show
The Wright Brothers - Vladimir Zeravica
Interviews (Joan Kroc NPR donation): Stephanie Bergsma, KPBS radio, Michael Lazar, Capital Public Radio
Current Events
Sunsets are coming later by now, the Award Show Award Show get us into Rosenbloom satire on breaking ground on the same topic, Satire with Skip Klondike talking up events in Baghdad
Emails sent to us, miscellaneous topics
Current Events, "urban legends"
Interview: Robert Greenwald on his documentary, Uncovered: the Truth about the War in Iraq
Current Events; Science
Current Events, some Onion bits, science - closing fossil gap to the tuatara
Interview with Oliver Stones JFK screenplay co-author (with Stone) Zackary Sklar
Art Carney, Satire - Arch Dexter, GOP spokesman
Current Events
Interview: JFK film research coordinator for Oliver Stone Jane Rusconi
Interview: Dr. Gary Aguilar on the medical evidence in the still mysterious death of John F. Kennedy
Current Events
Interview: KDVS host of Crossing Continents, Gil Medavoy - Middle East strife
Interview: filmmaker & media expert Danny Schechter on his book Weapons of Mass Deception
Interview with Ambassador Joseph Wilson about his hassles from Bush-Cheney
Interview: Planned Parenthoods Ann Dilzer on efforts to ban abortion
Science News; Satires
UC Davis visit - Michael Moore
Interview: Dr. Cyril Wecht on his book Mortal Evidence
Re-run: War of the Worlds
Talk with Free Speech TVs Andy Derringer on Project Censored Awards; reporter Vince Winkle on toxic waste issues
Local visits by Michael Moore and Al Franken
Kathleen Moye on Tom Lehrer
Current Events
Interview: Amy Kubich of Planned Parenthood on birth control
Satire - Rosenblum on Arnold
Science with KDVS's Kirsten Sanford; Capital Public Radio's Jeffrey Callison on Scottish lore
filmmaker Hannah Shakespeare - about a Colorado civil disobedience case
Satire - more Plenkenpohl on Arnold; Arch Dexter of California GOP
Current Events
Californian Journal Publisher A.G. Block capital politics
Marti Anaya on the Sacramento Film Festival; Attorney Jeff Kravitz, host of Panic Attack on KDVS on the "Do Not Call" list.
The Gubernatorial debate
Cal Aggie Flying Farmers Chief Pilot Charles Lowe - about University Airport and the CAFF
Current Events; Edward Teller's obituary
The original "Manchurian Candidate"? with Gary Chew
Interview with Sirhan Sirhan lawyer Lawrence Teeter on real life Manchurian Candidate aspects of 1968 shooting of RFK.
Current Events
Current Events
Interview: CA gubernatorial candidate Leonard Padilla
Satires: Rosenblum on governor's race; Hans Plenkenpohl from the Arnold campaign
First hand report on South American trip & hang gliding tale
Gary Chew: FCC political update
The music of Argentina - Calos Gardel; Tom Lehrer classics
Current Events; George W. Bush doll
Interview: Michael Bhana part II the art of documentary film making for the US and world markets.
More Current Events
Satire - Rosenblum on Gary Coleman campaign
Interview: National Geographic film documentary maker Michael Bhana on his Tuna Cowboys
KVMR's News Director Mike Thornton talks about foothill politics
Current Events; History of Mars observation/exploration
Interview: Dr. Bruce Betts of the Planetary Society
Analysis - Colin Powell's duplicity at the UN; Current Events
Current Events; Satire - Rosenblum on "Bambi" hunt
UC Davis veterinary scientist Dr. Leslie Lyons on cat DNA studies
Gary Chew movie review; More Current Events
Current Events, some Will Durst clips, James Israel publisher of the Comic Press News talks about the paper
Kristina Borjesson returns to discuss her fine book Into the Buzzsaw
More talk with Jockey Frank Sorci about his riding of the legendary racehorse Seabiscuit after he has had a chance to see the film now in theaters
Current Events, Seabiscuit jockey Frank Sorci talks up riding the famous horse
Another run with Shaun Minton amusing sports commentator - 7th appearance
Jokes, Satire - Ronald Reagan calls Madam Clio for astrology advice, smoking issues, bacteria under attack, 455 billion budget defecit
Current Events
Investigative journalist Kristina Borjesson taks about journalism and its sad state
Sky & Telescope article on the discover of Neptune
Current Events, dating tips from Heather Graham, swinish behavior from radio weasel Michael Savage, scary stats
Arnold for governor satire with cousin Hans and Ted Kennedy
Prayer Antenna commercial, Bush administration puffery, satiical chat with The Incredible Hulk
Current Events
Genetic engineering talk with Whitney Lehman
We speak with Barbara Dixon director of the Museum of Television and Radio
Current Events - in particular the Sacramento Conference n GMOs and the terrifying police presence for same lp us vote
Greg Palast on GOP voter suppression
Jackie Kane of commercials with a conscience
Current Events
Kim Alexander of the California Voter Foundation and SN&R reporter Cosmo Garvin discuss issues of voter manipulation and chicanery
Obits: Gregory Peck with Gary Chew and David Brinkley with KOVR reporter George Franco
Current Events
Investigatve journalist and former FBI agent William Turner talks about the RFK assassination and its oddities
How ERISHA laws used by HMOs to push lawsuits off of their corporations and onto medical onto practitioners
Current Events
Some follow-up with author Reese Erlich on his former co-worker Robart Scheers reports on the Jessica Lynch propaganda effort by the Bush administration
Our cinema correspondent Gary Chew on A Mighty Wind, Dr Andy Jones talks to us about folk music and poetry
Current Events, Everest anniversary
Bay Area journalist Reese Erlich talks about his book Target Iraq, co-authored with Norman Soloman
100th birthday of Bob Hope
Current Events, Jessica Lynch
Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich talks up Washington politics
David Rosenbloom satires: his group YIMBY, promoting vitamin enriched cigarets, Satirical chats with Yuri Fleishman and William Bennett,
Current Events, murderous anti-abortion activists
How the Military Industrial Complex of Dwight Eisenhower resonates in contemporary America as translated through the book Addicted to War, we talk with publisher Frank Dorrel
Report on E.O. Wilsons Mondavi talk and his approach to using economic incentives in conservation
Vicki & Bill Wison tell of their need to obtain a 3rd trimester abortion
Political activist extraordinaire Greg Palast talks about his bestseller The Best Democracy Money Can Buy , and purging of the voter rolls in Florida election 2000 by Jeb Bush to elect his brother
Handoff to Todd Urick plugs James Brown 70th birthday also NPRs list of 100 influential American musical works of the 20th century
Current Events
Chat with Michael Parenti about a political assassination - in this case that of Julius Caeser
Upcoming Mars close approach, Dougs trip to see the aurora in Alaska, new vitamin?,
Current Events, Col. Klondike from Qatar
Science: James Watsons discovery of DNA structure, stupid TV shows, satire with David Rosenbloom on Iraq War PR including Ahmed Chalabi theme
Michael Parenti talks up media bias with focus on Iraq war manipulations
Current Events
Satire of administration spokesman Yuri Fleishman downplaying the trashing of the Iraqi Museum, Satire - Colonel Skip Klondike explains the military situation, real life links between neocons and Israels Likud party
Prayer antenna commercial, our UCD student correspondent Steven Valentino talks about picnic day,
Current Events, hilarious piece from Harpers magazine on fictional alumus Dave Henderson
Steve Alexander talks up wacky legal issues,
The travesty of Iraqi ancient treasures being lost in the US invasion, a look at Fertile Cresent history
Iraq news and manipulations
Dr Lynn Roller professor of classics and art history at UCD talks about the loss of Iraqi antiquities
Gary Chew joins us to talk up Iraq
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