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Current Events
Current Events
Current Events
Current Events
Story by "Chris" - Palestine 1948
Current Events
Chat with Dr. Steve Squyers, Chief Investigator of the Mars Rover Missions
Current Events
Current Events
Planetary Astronomer and Painter, William K. Hartmann, Author of the Grand Tour - A Travelers Guide to the Solar System
Shaun Minton: Indian Sports Team Names
Current Events
Michelle Feynman on Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track, the Letters of Richard P. Feynman (her dad)
More on Feynman, Science Topics, Obits: Shelby Foote, Pat McCormick
Current Events
Satirist Tom Burka returns, Vladimir Zeravica on Cheng Ho 600th Anniversary
Science Topics, Burn, Baby Burn BBQ Sauce
Current Events
HIV/AIDS; Interviews with physicians Barry Seigel and Andrew Nangalama
Science Topics
Current Events; Bill Wagman on astronaut
Author Bryan Burrough on Public Enemies, the FBI's War on Crime 1933-34
The rumored death of Spinal Tap's Derrick Smalls with Paul Conley and Judy Rosenbloom
Current Events; Rove Plame, Judy Miller and the comet collision.
Pastors for Peace, Interview w/ Pablo Stansbury on caravan of aid to Cuba
Nukes: fusion & fission, misc. science; obituaries including John Stockdale
Current Events
Interview: Dr. Robert Cialdini on the Science of Persuasion
Discussion with Steve Alexander on the Eminent Domain Supreme Court decision
Current Events
Discussion with Dr. Andy Jones on The Producers, movie flop vs theater hit
More Current Events
Current Events
A visit (down the hall in Lower Freeborn Hall) with the Cal Aggie editor Daniel Stone, and reporter Catherine An
Lisa Pease on efforts to re-certify voting machines in California, more news round up
Current Events, science
Interview Stalin's Folly author Dr. Constantin Pleshakov the tale of the Soviet collapse in the face of the Nazi invasion
More current events, science
Current Events, Deep Throat news
Interview: Ex-FBI Agent and Investigative journalist William Turner on Mark Felt whom he fingered as "Deep Throat" in 1978!
More current events, science items
Current Events
Proctor Interview
Current Events
Interview: Dr. Ron Baiman on the statistical analysis demonstrating election fraud in 2004
Interview: Lyra Halprin
Current Events
Talk with Al Franken coming after his Air America broadcast at the Crest theater
Current Events
Interview: Alex Gibney
Current Events, Nauru eco-crisis
Gary Chew on documentary, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
Science Topics
Current Events, Bush's iPod
Film historian David Kiehn discusses how Charlie Chaplin made movies in Niles (now Fremont) in the year 1915
The remarkable current butterfly migration: Dr. Arthur Shapiro; Satire - Judy Rosenbloom interview
Current Events; Burka comedy; "e-mail" on Schaivo case
Israeli atomic weapons. An interview with Mordecai Vanunu in Israel (he was jailed 18 years for revealing their existence)
Current Events; more on eco diversity loss
Current Events, discussion of The Future of Food documentary
Interview: Dr. Ignacio Chapela from UC Berkeley. Chapela had apparently been blackballed for his work on GMO crop contamination of Mexican corn (later vindicated).
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Current Events, chat with comic Will Durst
Interview: John Stauber co-founder, Center for Media and Democracy, author of Toxic Sludge is Good for You, talks about the epidemic of "Video News Releases" by the federal government
More Current Events
Current Events, science topics
A chat with Dr. Andy Jones on Robert Frost, amateur astronomer: part 1
More with Dr. Andy Jones
Current Events; talk w/ Gary Chew
Current Events
Current Events
Current Events
"The Gimli Glider" with Vladimir Zeravica, a tale of running out of gas in a commercial jet.
Ron Glick, host of Speaking in Tongues on KDVS, talks about other near disasters like Gimli coming from miscalculations.
Current Events; background on Walter Cronkite
Interview with former CBS news anchor (and journalistic legend) Walter Cronkite
Talk with Capital Public Radio News Director Joe Barr on the news
Current Events
Stewart Gardner: The death row inmate who asked to be executed
Satire: Gotham City Police Chief Bernard O'Hara rebuts the "gay" Batman allegations
Current Events: talk with Attorney Stewart Gardner
Discussion of the late film director Russ Meyer with his friend KCRA cameraman Mike Carroll
Current Events
Current Events: passing note of the passing of Johnny Carson (and Rosemary Woods)
Talk with Peace Corps volunteer and KDVS DJ Kara Tierney upon her departure to Burkina Faso
Satirical chat with concerned citizen Ed Vigilanto - Is Sponge Bob gay?
Current Events: Bush Inauguration Day
Some Good News from 2004
The Iraq situation: views from several publications including The Economist
Current Events
Interview: Jeff von Kaenel Sacramento News & Review and their tiff with The Sacramento Bee
Current Events Satire – Crazy Eddie Chalabi in Iraq
Current Events
Martin Yan of the Yan Can Cook Show talks about his new series and book: Quick & Easy
Sound effects expert and voice actor Fred Newman (from A Prarie Home Companion); More Current Events
Current Events
Interview: test pilot George Marrett, author of Howard Hughes Aviator
Interview: Sacramento Bee Columnist R.E. Graswich
Tom Walsh of the Sacramento News and Review; author and ex-DEA agent Michael Levine
Investigative journalist Robert Parry: part 1
Robert Parry: part 2
Current Events
Roger S. Peterson - misuse of the English language
Costa Rica trip review
Current Events
Interview: Dr. Phillip Denny, medical marijuana issues from the viewpoint of a physician
More Current Events
Current Events
Re-run, Uncle Johns on margarine, Vapo-rub
Re-run, Science topics
Current Events
Interview: Investigative Journalist Robert Parry
A talk with Georgia Public Radio reporter Susan Capalouto on those evolution disclaimer stickers in Georgia's textbooks
Current Events; Michael Feliciano on local social activism
Interview: Dr. Cyril Wecht, the science of forensics and current increased public interest in the topic
A Cassini Mission update from Trina Ray of Pasadenas Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Current Events
Science topics
Interview: Joe Garden, staff writer for The Onion , Americas foremost satirical newspaper
Interview: Comic Will Durst from Washington DC
Interview: News Analyst Danny Schechter "the news dissector" from New York
A point counterpoint on the CA propositions
Current Events
Interview: Steven Kleinedler, Editor and Author from the American Heritage Dictionarys Commonly Misused Words.
Interview: KBHM News Director Steve Chiotakis – the 2004 election as seen from Alabama
Current Events
Pre-presidential Debate Interview: Heather Dahl of NPR and former assistant to Jim Lehrer
Talk with Gary Chew
Current Events
Re-run Joan Krok NPR grant segment
Re-run Museum of Television and Radio interview Barbara Dixon
Current Events
Interview: 91 year old veteran comic
Re-run; Interview: Mike Bhana, National Geographic film maker
Current Events
More from satirist Tom Burka
Re-run Interview: John Dean
Current Events
Interview: Peter G. Peterson, Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and author of Running on Empty
Madeline Kenefik, host of Cooking with Madeline
Current Events
KDVS GM Steven Valentino on his trip to Washington and the Public Radio News Directors conference
Satirist Tom Burka reports from Boston's Democratic National convention.
Current Events: Tom Burka satirist, talk with "Trent Lott"
Interview: Jim DiEugenio, more on Manchurian Candidate facts and fictions
More with Paul Dorn, California Bicycle Foundation Satire - Rutherford Hayes IV
Current Events
The Cassini Mission to Saturn, Interview with Trina Ray from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Talk with Dr. Howard McKinney on drug testing; Satire - Crazy Eddie Chalabi in Iraq
Current Events
Further talk with adult film actress Christy Canyon
Interview: local bicycling expert Paul Dorn; Interview: Hollywood reporter Gayl Murphy
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