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Current Events
Current Events
Woeful Current Events, the numerous Trump insane thrusts, GB&U, idiotic CA water release, abandoning climate action, Clark and Dawe bit, Greenland issues
Greg Palast clip on election, quotes from his web site, sanewashing Trump, Acosta resignation form CNN, tech bros capture the media and propagandize for Team Trump
The 47th presidency begins with a lie, we doubt JFK records will see light of day, NFL BS, GB&U, the infightong begins in MAGA land, LA fires - not the fault of the delta smelt, the LED bulb grift
Tallk with "Robert F. Kennedy Jr", reports on RFK & his nutty ideas, obit for the hilarious Bob Ueckerr
Dave Barry and his look back at 2024, Trump and his nominees, The Onion is back
RP continues in 2025, Gaza mass murder, Jimmy Carter was on it re Israel, GB&U
Mark Evanier Xmas tale re Mel Torme & Dick Van Dyke, GB&U, Uncle Johns bathroom reader selections i.e.the most interesting man in the world ads, Chinese restaurant translation errors, dumb warning labels s
Chat with Steven J. Harper
Apology for our absence, clip from Greg Palast explaining voter suppression, Musk buys ads to take advantage of Dems posture on trans people
American government educator Mark Mattingly returns to talk about the election
Some live election coverage... until we aborted at the end
Happier topics than election 2024 including a review of mulching
Election Themes - Sanewashing & Fascism, media dereliction of duty, billionaires hedge their bets, Fascist regimes review vs GOP
MSNBC look at Trumps authoritarianism, Steven Harper on Nazi comparison to GOP, conservative Judge Luttig on corruption of rule of law under DJT and why Trump is unfit for office, COVID excess deaths of 400,000 under DJT, foreign interference in US elections - again, James Risen musings, the "secret plan" of Trump and Mike Johnson to derail the election certification via The House of Representatives
Special Edition of Radio Parallax: a chat with Fremont mayoral candidate Vinnie Bacon
Trump fry cook & peeping Tom, Robert Reich, Smoot Hawly tariff disaster, DJT "negotiator", US News Op-ed of John Miller on creating a monster - fake billionsire Trump
Steven J Harper on election, Nancy Yamada
Chat with Mark Mattingly my high school poli sci teacher about our current woeful status as a democracy
Lincoln Project ad, Silicon Valley CEOs on Team Trump and crypto corruption
Comet, nastier hurricanes, Musk & Trump, electoral worry - Jill Stein, Roy Cohn lies CBS, interview with David Marcus cousin of Cohn tells tales of Roy, Frontline review of same topic
GB&U, Dave Pakman on NYT sudden discovery of DJTs mental decline, Packman part II on NYT, fact checking fiascos
Reprise of talk with Steven J Harper from 2021 which remains sadly topical 3 years later
Part II Steven Harper
Lev Parnas docu, look back at presidential debates, GB&U, some levity - old essay for NYU entry, excellent MSNBC piece on whether it is unfair to call Trump a threat to democracy
B.T. Cohen look at NY court decision on Trump Jan 6th criminal behavior and election interference, D. Pakman points out unhinged Trump statements, Rachel Maddow and MSNBC talk to Maine GOP party chairmen who support Harris for the cult of Trump, Atlantic article on Trump/MAGA take-over of GOP
Cleveland 22nd & 24th president in context - electoral college choosing the loser, a new look at Hitler by MAGA fans, GB&U, Dave Pakman looks at GOP trying to blame asassination attempts on Dems
Medi Hasan takes down notion of Trump not being a warhawk, Dave Pakman look at lying Trump out on the stump talking about "criminal" aliens and Harris being a Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, MSNBC looks at this crazy campaign, B.T. Cohen take down of Trump lies
Talks with citizens pushing back against the US Army Corps of Engineers plans for the American River Parkway: Bill Brattain and Pete Spaulding
A brief look at the Presidential debate followed by analysis of recent Trump statements
We take Trump up on question of whether we are better off today than 4 years ago: Steven J. Harper returns to examine the disastrous Trump mislandling of Covid in 2020
Continuation of Steven J. Harper
RFK Jr, Phil Donahue obit (and mention of his Iraq war opposition), Trump disparages Congressional Medal of Honor, lost in space
Meiselas report on DJT/RFK Jr phone call (recorded by RFK III)
Trump, the oldest person ever to become president now older than oldest person to BE president - Reagans record holder - Reagan
More clips on Trump - Ben Meiselas, HannibalLecter craziness, recent polls
Look ahead to election 2024 and need to address Trump s increasingly bizarre behavior
Clips from MSNBC on press conference anger vs Biden contrasted with Trump blather
Current Event round up
Ben Tyler Cohen clips on Trump running away from Project 2025 and how GOP election officials are going to avoid certifying vote counts - chat with attorney Marc Elias
David Packman clip on latest Trump incoheret ramblings, GB&U, Joe Conason clip on his new book The Long Con
Chat with our favorite Trump expert Steven J. Harper
Current Events
Collection of you tube clips frpm Dave Pakman and Ben Meiselas on Trumps mental issues, glossed over by the MSM
Near assassination of DJT, Debate and takeaway - review of same, judges bulldozing a path for the former prez, GB&U, limits to growth, potpourri small news items
Abandonment of current events in favor of humorous material
GB&U review, Trumpland detour
Pushback from US women, review of 2015 Ashley Madison scandal which faked data
Travelogue of Asia and Europe
Listener urging, More tales from the road
Honoring former guests Wecht, and McKlosky, GB&U, pumping perrier, finding former film critic from NYT who almost sank career of Mel Brooks
Einstein on propaganda, Pete McKlosky excerpt Cyril Wecht excerpt
The Mazatlan Eclipse, aviation, astronomy, and really terrible music
More eclipse, GB&U, science close
Archival material, 2002 Art of the Hoax
Jefferson Morley on his book Snowstorm in August
USACE assaults on the American River Parkway, SCOTUS assaults the American democracy, Putin murders Navalny, a fishy Superbowl, docu on reporter Danny Casoleros "suicide", GB&U, Harpers Index
Chat with investigatibe journalist Jefferson Morley about his historical book Snowstorm in August The Struggle for Americas Freedom and Washingtons Race Riot of 1835
Some jokes, Harpers Index, look back at Bob Edwards, Giuliani, another Putin murder, Silicon Valleys scary technocracy advocates
GB&U, potpourri of recent Trump mental deterioration, traformation of war via drone technology, Palantir in Ukraine science topics
A look at Japans bizarre politics, "intelligence failures" in Gaza and Israeli overreaction
Jimmy Carter on Israeli Apartheid, slavery in the US, the tragic tale of civil rights workers murder in 1964
Bush 41, the pledge of alliegance, Fareed Zakaria BS, the tractor, Pacific islander navigation, GB&U
Everything gets marketed as "AI" now, the superyachts, the illegal and unscrupulous fishinging industry (Chinese mostly), The Tragedy of the Commons revisited, bad reporting
Space trombones, Baby Ruth BS, misc quotes, the genius of Newton, predicted collapse of civilization?, cuneiform translation and AI
Avatar ABBA show, modern cursive illiteracy, Venus mysteries, political aspects of Albert Einstein and Charles Chaplin, Hearst & Hitler
Andy Borowitz on democracy, Asimov on reviews, new AI music and look back at visit fom "Paul McCartney", beaver news, Herman Daly belated obit
Neptunes discovery & political skulduggery, Ayn Rand/Silicon Valley development in Solanao Co., Mountain House urban sprawl
Ted Kaczinski vs us, GB&U, archival article looking 20 years into future from over 20 years ago, Andy Borowitz on stages of ignornce in politics
Old Chris Mooney look at GOP nuttiness & new Trump lies, Michael Lewis on covid including White House manipulation of reality, Halberstam article on Korean War gaffs of MacArthur/Willouby, Ben Stein & anti-Darwinism, Rudy Giulianis earlier effort to promote riots
Plunging into 2024 with Dave Barry look at 2023, Xmas movie, GB&U including Tik Tok vs the US Army, mucus evolution, congress unproductiveness, evil Nicraguan politics
Nicaraguan Ortega tyranny continued, liberal segregation advocacy, "blackface" controversy - Hannibal - not a black African, Phoenicians, "Black Pete", gender neutral French, article on cutting the virtual cord
Some good news items, electoral crazyness into bad films, GB&U, Gaza tragedy, trying to kill Hitler, miscellaneous items
Reprise of our 2008 chat with California politcal legend Willie Brown
James DiEugenio talks about the JFK Conference at Duquesne U, specifically Jims presentation on the evolution of foreign policy from JFK into the NeoCon revolution
James DiEugenio on Henry Kissinger
Current event round-up, Xmas music, possible new ED therapy from spider venom, good news items
Steven Harper updates us on SCOTUS machinations and things Trump
Thanksgiving turkey pardon, Good, Bad & Ugly twice over, supposed alien artifacts, alien worlds, big tech weasels want in on gambling on sports
Gaza catastrophe, Obit: James Buckley, real estate brokers 6% rip off being questioned in court, Trump goes full Nazi in rhetoric
Duquesne Conference at 50th anniversary of JFKs passing
More musing on JFK murder mystery
Activist attorney Bill Simpich updates us on JFK records lawsuti vs Biden administration
Retrun to live show after a hiatus, great quotes, memes, GB&U fest, Gaetz coup, alleged intelligence failure in Gaza,
Gaza oppression, Obit: Marti Atissarre, memes, GB&U fest, vaccines dont earn a Nobel
Potpourri items: GB&U fest, misc news items; phenylepherine acknowledged s placebo, standing up ti China, eliminating taxes in Argemtina, is India Bharat?, Bernie Taupin tantrum, PC run amok
NASA samples an asteroid, tricky bugs, 2014 article on "service animals"
Reprise: our chat with Ira Flatow from NPRs Science Friday
Reprise: our interview with Ignacio Chaepela from show 146
Doing the Time Warp, some medical topics of note, some science topics of dubious distinction
Review of Burning Man 2023 with Guy Tortorici , GB&U, Tulare Lake reborn, Colonel Allensworth State Park, American spectacles - armour and trucks
Interview with Lee McIntyre author of On Disinformation, How to Fight for Truth and Protect Democracy
GB&U, archival musings from our files
Trump circus dominates news cycle, look back at 3rd party efforts to wrest power from our "two-party system", excuses from the orangemans lawyers, 1960s poli sci review, good news in Ohio
US intelligence manipulating wikipedia, psychological defenses to propaganda
Return to fresh material; volcanic island on Mars, Rx industry forced to negotiate prices vs serving them up via "like it or lump it" method
Clip of atmospheric scientist Dr Tony Held on global warming - from 21 years ago, use AI to counter spam calls?, giant Pentagon rathole, weird things said in bookstores, GB&U
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