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Current Events
Actor Norman Lloyd - we squeeze still more from our chat last year at Musso Franks
Obit: auto designer Carrol Shelby, our pal Steve Alexander comments and relives his youth driving his high performance Shelby Mustang
Current Events
KDVS General Manager Neil Ruud talks about the importance of funding to keep KDVS on the air.
Obits: George Lindsey, Nicolas Katzenbach. Science topics
Current Events
SN&R Senior news editor Cosmo Garvin, talks about sprawl in Northern California - the effort to develop "Cordova Hills" for the usual fast buck.
Travel expert Stan Godwin talks about travel agents. And comedian Michael O Connell talks about an upcoming show with The Comedians with Disabilities Act
Our Annual PLEDGE DRIVE show - great clips though
Current Events
Educational chicanery, changes in the arctic, more Sacramento King BS
Science topics: fetal guts are not sterile? modern gut bacteria are altered from ancient times
Current Events
Dr. Ivan Schwab talks about his book, Evolution's Witness, How Eyes Evolved. pt 2
Joe Barr, News Director for Capitol Public Radio talks about the life and times of Mike Wallace
Current Events
Dr. Ivan Schwab talks about his book, Evolution's Witness, How Eyes Evolved (a remarkable look at eyes throughout the animal kingdom). pt 1
Legendary KDVS Public Affairs Radio Host France Kassing talks about the recent passing of the award winning Sac Bee cartoonist Rex Babbin
Current Events
Jessy Schmidt, KDVS host of the Public Affairs show "Intercourse on Intercourse" talks with us about her show on human sexuality.
Obit: the Thai inventor of Red Bull
Current Events, Will Durst comments on the "Muppets" wisecrack by Goldman Sachs employee
Kudos for KDVS's Bill Wagman, TV themes, sugar industry attacks high fructose corn syrup.
Contraceptive nonsense from the GOP and Catholic hospitals, plus laughter is healthy
Current Events
Legal Correspondent Nancy Yamada weighs in on the lame "improvements" to the Sacramento International Airport (part 2), and the latest 'Occupy the Capitol' event.
Obituary: Peter Bergman of The Firesign Theatre.
Current Events
Gary Chew on The Artist winning the Oscar (first silent film since Wings - the very first Oscar winner), Rush Limbaugh a complete horses ass yet again
Obits: publisher Barney Rosset, composer Robert Sherman; dirty dishes from lower phosphates
Current Events
Author (and The Economist USA correspondent) Andreas Kluth talks about his fascinating book, Hannibal and Me, What History's Greatest Military Strategist Can Teach Us About Success and Failure
US politics is gang warfare, Romney may not be nutty enough to satisfy the GOP base, CA Fish & Game president goes to Idaho to shoot a mountain lion cuz its ILLEGAL in California
Current Events
Film lovers Gary Chew & David Kiehn talk about the (silent!) Oscar nominated movie, The Artist.
Legal Correspondent Nancy Yamada weighs in on the lame (and expensive) "improvements" to the Sacramento's International Airport
Current Events
TV's Bill Nye, The Science Guy (and currently the President of the Planetary Society) talks to us about proposed cuts in NASA funding
Shaun Minton talks sports related stories once again
Current Events
Great Ron Paul quotes from 2002 questioning our war with Iraq, local "homeless" public relations scammers, seriously
More current events
Current Events
Writer Jeff Nilsson discusses his Saturday Evening Post article on predictions made in 1900
Obits: Liberal Republicans
Current Events
Astronomer and author Bob Berman talks about his new book, The Suns Heartbeat
More from columnist Bob Berman, on The Suns Heartbeat
Chats: our very 1st guest, Sacramento legend Ed Hunter, KDVS GM, well liked clips
Review of some favored clips with our laywer pal Steve Alexander serving as wingman
More amusing past clips, a live chat with Will Durst
Current Events, the 'Mythbusters' boys Adam & Jamie visit Sacramento
Author Political Activist Jerry Policoff (our PA political correspondent) on Rick Santorum (he doesn't like him).
More current events; sensible bird flu censorship, the US Navy vs pirates
Current Events; NASA meets its near Earth objects goal & news is good.
More CE: West Sacramento boat dock demolition, Christopher Hitchens obituary
Real animal magnetism, the "Rain" Beatles tribute & more
Current Events, buying spam ads
A look back at 2011 with Dr. Andy Jones of KDVS's Dr Andy's Poetry and Technology Hour
Some Bathroom Readers Series fun
Current Events; man bites python follow-up, KGO radio host bloodbath
Those vexing "ear worms", contributor Matt Perry sounds off on running
Xmas music/ Bee article on same with a chat with Priya Malelu 4th grader and article interviewee
Current Events, some old Harpers selections
Right wing PR/ Eating less meat to save the earth
Updates: California water grab and Occupy Wall St.
Current Events, bad water, google gullibility
KDVS DJs Jeff Hudson and Robyne Fawx talk about 35 years of KDVS' Saturday Morning Folk Show.
Occupy Wall St (& UCD) update
Current Events, love at mensa
More arena crap; LA's subway, our crazy weather
Miscellaneous bits from the Uncle John's Bathroom Readers Series
Thanksgiving Show, Current Events, some Dave Barry humor, Will Durst gives thanks
UC Davis pepper spraying incident; Hi Speed Rail under attack
Reprise: "Peter Pan" segment from This American Life
Current Events, Our National Motto, Will Durst on Herman Cain
Author, Michael Korda on his book Hero (Lawrence of Arabia) - whom his uncle, incidentally, agreed not to make a movie about when Lawrence himself griped - talks about this singular figure
A T.E. Lawrence addendum/ Science topics
Current Events, stuff on taxes
Author Reise Palley on his book on mini-nuclear power plants
Democratic party spoils - Sac's Ms Ambassador and her local connection to big-time real estate money
Current Events, Will Durst on GOPers (again)
"Unscientific America" the war on science/ still more Natomas flood risk insanity
A history of gun control (article review) - turns out conservatives were all for it back when urban blacks took up arms and tried to assert THEIR second amendment rights
Current Events, KZFR fundraiser preview (Will Durst, Michael Parenti)
Newsweeks John Avalon on his book Deadline Artists a look at the great columnists and some of their best work
Some excerpts from columns in "Deadline Artists"
Current Events, Will Durst on the GOP's "non vanilla" guy
Attorney Activist Nancy Yamada on Sacramento Occupy Wall Street.
Obits: Steve Jobs, and radio legend (and one of our favorite guests) Norman Corwin
Current Events, attaboy to McClatchy organization for investigating Anthrax attack mystery
Bee attaboy II: piece on woman getting the vote in California
Occupy Wall Street makes the news/ Chat with Will Durst
Current Events; Hank Williams Jr gaff, limitless Arnold ego, Chinese dog meat festival cancelled
Local political gadfly David Lynch talks about 'Smart meters' which monitor homeowner activity
Musicologist Kyle Larsen augments our Jerry Lieber obituary, and yes we play more terrific music clips
Current Events, Will Durst on the 'GOP's trickle-up theory'.
Author historian Daniel Okrent, on his book; Last Call, The Rise and Fall of Prohibition, a major contributor to the Ken Burns PBS special.
An addendum to the topic of Prohibition, some Uncle John's Bathroom Reader trivia.
Current Events, Will Durst on 'belt tightening'.
Hawaiian influenced tales
More Hawaiian influenced tales
Current Events, Will Durst on the GOP debate
UC Davis's, Dr. Dawn Sumner on picking the landing site in Gale Crater for the Mars Opportunity rover
Obituary: songwriter extraordinaire, Jerry Lieber (of Lieber & Stoller) with musical clips of his often hilarious tunes.
Current Events, Will Durst on the GOP's 'pledge drive'.
The 911 attacks - 10 years on
Author Jim Otaviani talks about his graphic novel on our favorite Nobel Prize winning physicist - Richard Feynman.
Current Events, nuclear reactor in the kitchen
Author Mark Stein on his book "How the States Got Their Shapes", source of TV program of same name
Chat with KDVS's Ed Martin
Current Events, Bernie Madoffs customers get stupider and greedier still.
UCD Professor Gitta Coaker talks about plant pathology
New Scientist mag (and KDViations) interviewee Simon Singh sounds off in print
Current Events, polygamy, hilarious SN&R film review
More CE: fewer plastic bags & less meat to save the Earth
Misc. topics: the British resent Blair's lies on Iraq
Current Events; cod recovery, delta smelt too?
Former naval petty officer Janet Smith talks about tracking Soviet subs amid the 1980's Cold War tensions (turns out it wan't quite like the Hunt for Red October)
Fun with "Opinions You Should Have" web site, space probes, Mental Floss quotes
Current Events, bad college cover letters
Actor, director, Hollywood icon, Norman Lloyd, at Musso & Frank Grill (part 3).
The immortal Chuck Berry at 84 with many music clips
Current Events, more on 2004 election chicanery in Ohio
KZFR General Manager Rick Anderson talks about an upcoming event in Chico featuring Will Durst and Michael Parenti (and the host of this program)
Science: asteroid captured by Earth's gravity (for now)
Current Events, why is the Earth hot?, Will Durst on Economic alarmism
Mat Kaplan, the host of KUCI's Planetary Radio (heard on KDVS too), talks about recent space news
The crappy compact fluorescent "light bulb", tales of kayaking.
Current Events, flying cars? let's hope not
South Sudan - the 194th nation, real estate weasels, what do bosses do?
Obit: Jeane Bartick; man in space?, the Anthony Summers investigation of the links between the Saudi royal family and the 9/11 attackers
Current Events, following God's laws with slave ownership, antibiotics in animal feed.
More "random rants", Kel Munger article on real radiation risks post earthquake
More with actor director Norman Lloyd at Musso & Frank Grill in Hollywood.
Current Events
Author David Talbot, talks about his book, "Devil Dog: The Amazing True Story of the Man Who Saved America" (General Smedley Butler)
Sudden Republican pacifism on Libya (vs WMD lies on Iraq)
Current Events, $6.6 billion in cash missing from Iraq funds, Durst on debate
Science topcs: Truthout.com review of Merchants of Doubt, the anti-global warming propaganda battle
More science: Matt Weiser Bee article on clear-cutting
Current Events
Random Rants; electronic privacy issues
Obits: James Arness of Gunsmoke, Dr Jack Kevorkian, dubious element discoveries, our closer music - a complete Tom Lehrer's The Elements
Current Events
Author Sam Kean, The Disappearing Spoon and other Tales of Madness, Love and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements.
Weird cool local weather, Paul Revere's ride in politician's minds
Current Events
Actor, director, Hollywood icon, Norman Lloyd, at Musso & Frank Grill in Hollywood (part 2).
Obit: Gil Scott Heron, with closing music bed (how could we resist) The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Current Events
Author, Doug Perednia MD, discusses his new book; Overhauling Americas Healthcare Machine: Stop the Bleeding and Save Trillions (pt 3)
Obama stands up to the Israeli right on Middle Eastern peace obfuscations
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