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Our interview w Steven Harper goes on to Bill Moyers web site, some humor, Covid GB&U, Facebook puts money over ethics in political affairs, plug for Social Dilemma, plug for Kill Chain documentary, RBG should have retired when Obama was president
New Scientist slams Trump on Covid actions, masks more important than vaccine at the moment, Scientific American gives Trump thumbs down, plastic industry manipulations, Obit - Donald Kendall, ,
Interview with Steven J Harper author of 2 dozen Coronavirus timelines documenting how Donald Trumps actions, decptions and failures have made the pandemic an American catastrophe
Good, Bad & Ugly, Nero rehabilitation?, Obituary: Joan Feynman
Trump anti science, review of Trump dismanting of diease monitoring, counter productive acts, and lying about coronavirus in the first months, the great American testing fiasco
slowing covid testing, admissions to Bob Woodward, the infodemic, Caputo and censorship HHS, remedies, domestic covid stats, life on Venus?
Trump Woodward tapes - covid WAS dangerous i.e. proof he lied, denies Kashoggi murder, secret weapons reveal, Justice Dept to sub for Trump in rape case?, more Cohen, Germany confirms Navalny poisoned w novichok - Trump says cause unknown
FBI suspected DJT compromised, disparaging war dead, what if he does not leave?, vigilantes, DJT mini-stroke?, GB&U, Doonesbury places blame, Sturgis, vaccines, air travel
Trump pandemic, Dr Atlas pushes CDC to NOT test post exposure, FDAs rash push of plasma therapy, October Surprise?, comorbity vs cause of death, Dr Aaron Smith on covid risk factors
Fallwell fall, GOP ignors covid, weasel Steven Miller, activist Nancy Yamada talks getting out the vote, Bannon arrested, GB&U, smart grid deep sixed by coal lobby
First hand covid reports, CDC testing reduction, N.Z. outbreak, vaccine doubts, travel bans
GB&U, a virus-free Wuhan, fudging the data, infodemic, Russian 2016 election meddling, Barr works to bury it, USPS seized, GOP funding Kanye, CDC puts testing in reverse, bad plasma therapy math, coronavirus resistance?
Believing propaganda, Blaginism, dementia?- CDC blindsiding by Trump, travel restriction of yanks due to out-of-control, Hoover Insitute Dr Scott Atlas new teachers pet
GB&U - PC astronomy, methane regulations lifted by EPA as last Canadian ice-shelf slips, arctic sea ice gone by 2035?, hoaxster Joey Skaggs, Fallwell Jr woes, kids carry covid, Sturgis rally
Covid obits -Trini Lopez, Potemkin Village economies - Tanzania & USA?, White House Public Heath follies & attempts to shift focus, MSNBC clip of Trump lies claiming end of pandemic and a vaccine ready to rock, Trump head on Mount Rushmore? dementia?
Obit - Olivia de Havilland, Belarus election, Kanye the kook
News views - Obama gripes, Zimbabwe sinking; Beirut blowup, IgNobels, turtle nav, eating styrofoam, oldest north americans, starlink light pollution, food compounds, cassina caffeine
country collectors, the saga of James Hanson, election fears - prior October surprises
Herman Cain dies post Tulsa rally, Federalist Society head calls to re-impeach Trump after election delay, Lincoln Project opposes DJT, rushing to re-open USA mistake, US most prepared for epidemic in theory - federal response failed, virus goes rural, Kushner killed testing
Beirut explosion, GB&U, GOP dividing and conquering, attacking the very idea of truth
Lies & Donald J Trump, more Mikovits quackery, Sinclair propaganda, Frontline doctors spread spectacularly wrong info endorsed by DJT, southern states covid explosion causes shortages
Educator Stu Wexler talks about issues of classroom safety during pandemic
Obit - Ennio Morricone, GB&U, covid positive Oklahoma governor thinks Tulsa rally no factor, trade advisor attacks Fauci
So-so comet, Russian hacking back, along with their disinfo on social media
CV 16, have we become a banana republic? pandemic management run for public relations, is Trump in denial or is this even worse?, downplaying of covid continues
A look at our shoulder at election 2016 with citizen researcher Pat Speer and his piece From Obamanation to Abomination
Vladmir Putin - now around till 2036, Xi Jin Ping ends Honk Kong semi-sovereignty, Florida explodes w covid
Ackowledgement of Good, Bad & Ugly composer, and GB&U
CV #16, Trump on virus disappearing, masks, covid parties, Texas idiocy, Amy Sorkin in New Yorker - virus goes to red states, steroids may help, old vaccines too, world restricts US tourists, contact tracing lags, Trump and mental deterioration - audio clips
GB&U, Clip II Trump & demented behavior, his speech has deteriorated, third clip on nutty Trump statements, discussion of same, re-starting nuke tests?, losing our final nuclear arms agreement, Putin re-elected till 2036, Voice of America goes Alt-Right after Trump rages at their not towing his line, new boss Michael Pack is shady , Carl Reiner obit
Covid show #15, the demented idea that NOT testing for covid 19 is wise, and its demented source
GB&U, knocking over statues and pressing for politcal correctness, misc news, two obits
Corona #14 and more
Chats with activists Bill Simpich and Stu Wexler about an uncovered agent of incorrect information
Coronavirus lucky 13, NYT openly critical allegations by Trump that old man shoved to ground was in fact a wily antifa provocateur
Protests across the land, remembering Trump advising cops to treat arrestees rougher, Colin Powell jumps to Biden as he complains about Trump lies, plague misinformation - not a new thing
Coronavirus #12, viral updates - virus arrived in Janueary,
Cross country car ride during a pandemic a report from Susan Parker tales of the Texas ignorers and miscellaneous oddities
Coronavirus #11, virus still not disappearing, surprise, memes, armed protesters intimidating politicians and bots, alternate universe of the AAPS which is in synch w Trumpy
Fighting for your right to party, how to separate Trump and the virus, reiteration of our prediction that limited testing, contact tracing and isolation will lead to flaring of virus in 3 weeks, deserved bashing of China, & Nigaragua
Coronavirus #10 an addendum program Rolling Stone article on the four people who have failed us in the US cornovirus response
Dr Howard McKinney returns to talk up toxicology, pharmacology, and SF in the 70s
Coronavirus #9, memes, bat rabies, Trump lies about test availability and suggests people do not need to test anyway though his staff is tested regularly
Dr Howard McKinney takes us on a detour away from all this viral news with a look at poisons, a look at alarming US death rates, GB&U
Coronavirus show #8, Live & Let Die?, 159 cases to 160,000 in 63 days, virus now tops Vietnam, Korea, Afghan and Iraq ears in deaths, Fauci & Brix getting sidelined, Pence predicts Memorial Day as time to re-open county, thoughts on that and horrid video claiming everything we are doing is wrong, fact checking the BS ,
Plandemic bogus film, hydroxychloroquine wishful thinking, solid Economist look at coronavirus and rumors on research
Coronavirus #7, the Veep disdains mask at Mayo Clinic despite rules, insufficient US viral response, a look back at Louis Pasteur and his pioneering work on viruses & vaccines
Chat with someone in an essential business William Stoermer hardware store owner-operator weighs in on his experiences
Coronavirus show #6, seeking good news, hoping for a plateau, calls for test & trace, how much of seeming peaking is from isolation?, Trump rage at governors, right leaning wire-pullers promoting protests
Dr Shawn Killam on getting stuck in Grenada during viral ourbreak and slipping back into USA
Coronavirus show #5, cockwomble, Trump blames media for downplaying virus, GB&U centered alleged broken test of virus, prediction that Trump will shift blame for his failures, his wacky press conference and its epic lies and claim of total authority
Housing industry ad, Delta tunnel scam continues - plan labelled impractical by state engineers, Brad Parscale hijacks FB to get Trump elected, internet visionaries on virus
Corona virus #4, still chasing rate of asymtomatic to ill - is it 30% of the number ill?, vaccine speculations, number of deaths being underestimated, earlier cases being uncovered, CA flattening curve with 1/3 expected cases, do not flush paper towels or wipes
James Brown PSA, Trump false statement check (January to March) plus denials of what he said, ousting of watchdogs, de-funding the WHO, holding Trump accountable for mishandling the pandemic, ventilator follies,
Special Cornovirus show #3. Looking ahead to disaster without quite enough data. CA slowing rate. Advice to plan to sequester for months. Guardian article. Fauci predicts 100-200K deaths, Trump calls that a "save" of millions.
Therapy with serum?, what is the ratio of symptomatic to sick?, was China worse than reported (but lied)?, why does one person vs another get sick or not?, how important is inoculation size?
Special Coronavirus show #2
Smell the roses; thermal guns, Trump, but still wrong, quotes fro The Hot Zone, a look at supermarkets, discovery of microbes
Addendum on Trump politics vs pandemic
Special Coronavirus Show #1 - the future
More on CV19 - the present
Bay Area "shelter in place" begins, a survey of current developments, a look at the numbers and the strategies
More data and our attempt to make sense of it, federal missteps - how NOT to manage a crisis, some "expert" advice, alleged helpful managements, ,
Pandemic update, political update in primary season , GB&U, Super Tuesday, FB and Brad Parscale elected Trump (?)
More on Jack Welch, talk on viruses & re-actions evolving and attempts to sort the data, nasty plastics
CA Voter Foundation, Trump dropping the ball on coronavirus, we take a whack at the epidemic, believing in nonsense, Interview with Wen Zhao dissident video blogger including some independent reports on virus
Early election reports, Obits: Freeman Dyson, Jack Welch, discussion of some basic virology, viral stowaways inside us, Demo race narrows
Lighter fair to start, Betelguese in recovery, Atherton, Bay Area deterioration, interview with fisheries and ecologic gadfly Dan Bacher
Obit: Joseph Shabalala of Ladysmith Black Mambazo, fleshing out the specter of Mark Levin, NYT article on Trump losing more money than any other American for a decade, dirty political business surounding Jack Ryan, GB&U, light items to end
National Brotherhood Week - long version tale, Trumpism - Politico article on his MO - Sam Nunberg & Mark Levin & Trump
GB&U, disussion of lichen, Misc file, misbehavior in Silicon Valley
George Conway bit, DOJ intervention in R Stone case, Curb Your Enthusiasm & hi-def TV, Superbowl chit-chat, Obit: Fred Cox of the nerf football, rape allegation on Trump
Obits: Bob Shane of the Kingston Trio, Daniel Arap Moi of Kenya, hacking & spying & wiki vs voting tech snafu
Betelguese follies, sports follies, Charles Webb - oddball tale, Mike Wallace docu, Boehner on Trump, GOP vote suppression, GB&U, Russian oligarchs
Interview with Buddy Levy about his book Labrynth of Ice about the Greely Polar Expedition
Update on David Talbot, impeachment cranks up, non-PC Apu, Musk is nuts on Mars, Abe Shinzo?, interview with Greg Bell host of Sirius XM Classic Radio programming
More from Greg Bell of the When Radio Was web site
Bethlehem moved by Jeopardy to Israel, a Batman villain - are you serious?, Obit - Buck Henry, browning onions, Khosla - fighting San Mateo communism?, limiting war powers, Harvard law prof turns "teacher"
arguing with China, Shen Yun and Falun Gong, Roger MacNamee irks Silicon Valley, on-line Peter Lord video and response of tech analyst Donald Rose ; Good, Bad and Ugly
Ian Frazier: Coyote vs Acme Company, satellite light pollution, Betelguese, interview with Dr Andy Jones host of Dr Andys Poetry and Technology on KDVS now in its 20th year talks up the misuse of the apostrophe, and the late Harold Bloom
Peter Dale Scott points out Jamal Khasoggi ambiguities, what the hell is crisco?, Trump tries out assassination and likes it, re-cycling your soiled paper in the green bin, also bones; compost as a solution to carbon emissions, bring back deposit bottles, Keith Richards memories
The roaring 20s AGAIN, trouble in the stars, trouble in Vanuatu, trouble in climate summits, story of the ukulele and Hawaiin music and our first live, in-studio music; the National Football League at 100
Look at American sports via 1975 Interview with Roone Arledge; Obit: Paul Voelker, still more CA water machinations, thermography
White Christmas, the best selling song ever; the Saturnalia, hanukkah, fine anecdote about the Christmas Song
GB&U; impeachent follies; blocking your view; fighting Chineses censorship, F/U on Breshnev assassination, Saudi verdict on Khassogi (not pre-meditated!); stadium madness attempt,
The official foot, Trump impeached, Trumps Jewish gymnastics, the Afghanistan papers & the trillion dollar rathole, GB&U, the cultural imperialism of black friday
Tech gone rogue: Kara Swisher article on how Silicon Valley revealed how safe internet is not possible; spyware helped Saudis murder while others track dissidents; we are the battlefield in the cyber wars; is there life on Mars?;
Cannonball running, Burt Reynolds, astronomy, the underwear soil test; suspending Tim Ryan; SNL not-funny despite phony laughs, sad stats
GB&U; fire festival fiasco, health quackery; Obit: Jonathan Miller; fact checking; counter-productive quantifying of scientists;
Star Wars installment 9 and its ill-fated Xmas special; sunsets coming later; space x wants satellites - more than stars?; look back at Apollo 12; Obit: Gahan Wilson
Obit: William Ruckleshouse; bio updates, milk, sponsored reportage
Will Durst suffers stroke, memes, hearings on the impeachable Trumps, GB&U, Assange update, astro update, football betting oddity, fruit stand anecdote
Peter Segal on vice; hi-tech culling of cats; Trump and perjury; selling our shopping; Saudi news; fruit stand story
Roger Stone goes down; betting sports; Silicon Valley blood boys in real life; Trump looted his charity; report on how China has made payments automatic from travel agent Stan Godwyn
Critics of Parallax; Peoples Almanac on unfavorable reviews of great art; sour view on San Jose banning natural gas heating - supposedly to make energy generation greener; oddball items; story of Mormons in Mexico; OK Boomer diss;
Mercury transit, Neil Young stymied in US citizenship efforts, Brentwood stops developer, population growth slowing?, Andrew Marantz on social media manipulations on Fresh Air, GB&U, weirdly warm fall weather
Obits: Robert Evans, Vladimir Bukovski; protesting governments - there and here; the book by anonymous, Trumps tax dodges, and requests of other intel agencies to counter US intel incriminating him
Subcontacting murder ad infinitim; Thai concubine; star link to orbit 40,000 satellites?; busting mutton busting; Obit: Scotty Bowers;
Return of Dougs high school poli sci teacher Mark Mattingly to talk up Impeachment
Monster Mash in the Rock and Roll Hall, Obit of Harold Bloom, halting eco shame, auto brewerly snydrome, racist Sponge Bob, final Silicon Valley season, scary Amazon
Talk radio fact checking; planet 9 a primordial black hole?; burger wrapper PFASs in your bloodstream; Clinton e-mail investigation ends; hi tech issues; scandal in Nigeria
Fatally dosing on vitamins, and maybe social media; Trump web-meister now running campaign - to repeat 2016?; Anonmous author has book coming soon, but another whistleblower is the one gaining traction
Obit: Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov; Mercury transit; trilobite update; pirarucu news, the not-fake emoluments clause; the mess in Syria; China bludgeons Hong Kong;
Obits: Dr Robert McClelland, Dr Wang Shu Ping, Ginger Baker; GB&U, trouble in Iraq, Saudi Trump spending trumps murdering actions, Russian unit 29155 misbehavior
James Brown PSA; James DiEugenio investigative journalist talks about the mysterious David Ferrie in the JFK assassination case
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