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Current Events
Film Documentarian, Michael Bhana, talks about, Planet Shark, his upcoming exhibit at the world's largest aquarium in Atlanta.
Science topics
Current Events
Dr. Seth Shostak talks about SETI, and two National Geographic specials on Space
Science topics, Obit: Ted Kennedy
Current Events
Pope Brock talks about his book, Charlatan, America's Most Dangerous Huckster, the Man Who Pursued Him, And The Age Of Flimflam. The story of the infamous J.R. Brinkley.
Science topics
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on Astroturfing
Environmental engineer, Dr. Whitney Leeman talks about the movie, Food Inc (part 2).
Bicycling correspondent Paul Dorn rails the government's much flawed "Cash 4 Clunkers" program.
Current Events
Science, history, politics and whatever we damn well please...
Current Events; Science
Current Events
Radio Parallax film correspondent Matthew Perry talks about, Public Enemies. And environmental engineer, Dr. Whitney Leeman weighs in on the film, Food Inc.
Science topics, Obit: Dr. Casey Daggett
Current Events
A tribute and replay of our interview with news legend Walter Cronkite.
40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing
Current Events
Science, history, politics and whatever we damn well please...
Obits: Bob Bogle, Kodachrome
Current Events
Author Bryan Burrough on Public Enemies, the FBI's War on Crime 1933-34 (encore), and Film Instructor, Matthew Perry, talks about gangster films .
Obit: Robert McNamera
Current Events
Benjamin Jonas-Keeling of the Voice of America talks about their efforts to get accurate news to the people of Iran
Obit: Michael Jackson, Science topics
Current Events
Investigative jounalist, Dan Bacher, talks about the drawbacks of diverting ever more water out of the Sacramento delta.
Science topics, current events
Current Events
Author Larry Tye talks about his book, Satchel, a biography of the colorful Leroy Satchel Paige, regarded by many as the greatest pitcher ever
Will Durst weighs in on the Iranian election, comedy excerpts from the inimitable, Bill Cosby
Current Events, Will Durst comments on The Health Tax
Radio Parallax's bicycling correspondent Paul Dorn talks about the benefits of pedal power.
Science, current events
Current Events
Science potpourri, current events
Science topics
Current Events
Author Kurt Ebesmeyer talks about his book, Flotsametrics, on how things float around on ocean currents.
Misc topics
Current Events, Will Durst comments on, The Cheney Doctrine
Phil Proctor of the legendary Firesign Theatre chats with Dr. Everett
Obit: Venetia Phair, science
Current Events; catch up
Current events, Science, Politics, and whatever we damn well please.
Current Events; Science
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on the first 110 days of the Obama Presidency.
Author Alex Hutchinson talks about his book The 100 Most Important Inventions Since WW ll.
Obit: Jack Kemp
Current Events, Will Durst explains why he 'hates' Earth Day.
NYT Best selling author Mary Roach talks about her latest book; Bonk, the Curious Coupling of Science and Sex.
Science writer/Shakespeare researcher, Mark Anderson weighs in on a recently discovered portrait alleged to be of the bard.
Pledge Drive
Pledge Drive
Pledge Drive
Current Events
Author Charles Seif talks about his book, Sun in a Bottle, on cold fusion. (encore presentation)
Dr. Andy Jones, Obit: Maurice Jarre, film composer (Lawrence of Arabia)
Current Events
Author Charles Seif talks about his book, Sun in a Bottle, which addresses the topic of cold fusion.
Obit: Maurice Jarre, science topics
Current Events
News anchor and author Jim Lehrer speaks with us about his new book, and the news
Current events
Current Events
Science topics
Current Events; Science
Current Events
Doug talks about his recent trip to El Salvador and Honduras
current events 2
Current Events
Professor John R. Hall discusses the tragic events of the Jonestown massacre
Dick Smothers of the legendary Smothers Brothers talks about that famous comedic duo
Current Events
Obit: Paul Harvey
Obit: Bob Wilkins, Science topics
Current Events
Dr. David Kahn talks about cryptology and his part in the upcoming National Geographic special on the subject.
Current Events; Science
Current Events
Potpurri Catch-up
Potpurri Catch-up
Current Events
The legendary Dr. Dean Edell talks about his career as a radio host
Current Events; Science, the search for National Lampoon's, Perry Shriner Court Appointed Lawyer
Current Events
Tom Blees talks about his new book, PRESCRIPTION FOR THE PLANET, which lays out his plan on how to solve the worlds energy problems (pt 1)
Current Events
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about his book, THE PLUTO FILES, The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet
Author Jeff Fekete discusses his book, MAKING THE BIG GAME, Tales of an Accidental Spectator.
Current Events, Will Durst comments on Obama's Inauguration
Science, history, politics and whatever we damn well please...
Dr. Andy Jones, of talks about the the poetry read at Obama's Inauguration
Current Events
Sacramento Bee writer, Matt Wieser, talks about his Sacramento Bee article on California's water woes.
Current events II
Current Events
Sports correspondent Shaun Minton talks sports and politics
The Science of Magic
Current Events, Will Durst weighs in on the top 10 comedic news stories of 2008
Political round up
Current Events; Science
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on 'xmas gifts'.
Whatever we damn well please.
The Orson Welles 1938 radio drama which shocked the nation; The War of the Worlds. (encore)
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on 'If the shoe flies, hurl it'.
Dr. John Linner, former Naval Medical Officer, and author of the book, From Normandy to Okinawa, recounts his participation in some of the major battles of WW ll.
Local award winning activist and tv talk show host Jeanie Keltner talks about politics and change.
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on 'Giving Governors a bad name'.
LA writer Bruce Braunstein talks about the late Sci-Fi legend Forrest J. Ackerman.
Obits: Henry Loomis, Florence Wall, Carl D. Keith, Alan Ford, Beverly Garland
Current Events
Science potpourri, current events
Will Durst The Clueless Cup, Science topics
Current Events
Ira Glass's, Fiasco (encore)
Dr. Bart Ehrman author of Peter, Paul and Mary Magdelene (encore)
Current Events
Gordon 'Uncle John' Javna talks about the latest bathroom reader, Unsinkable
Obit: Studs Terkel, science topics
Current Events
Onion editor writer Joe Randazzo talks about "Our Dumb World", The Onion's recently released World Atlas.
Science topics
Current Events
Dr. Freeman Dyson talks about his career working with some of the greatest 20th century physicists (part 1)
Dr. Freeman Dyson (part 2)
Current Events, Ivo Kovacevich, the Plumber, talks about plumbers and voting, vs Joe the plumber. Will Durst commentary - Don't Vote
Congressional candidate, Dr. Bill Durston tells District 3 residents why they should vote for him.
R. V. Scheide of SN&R gives his thoughts on the California Propositions
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on the Worst Campaign Ever
Election 2008 analysis
Obits: Edie Adams, Mr. Blackwell
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on 'Joe' the plumber
Bob Newman, CEO of Newman Communications give an analysis of the Presidential race
Science topics, current events
Current Events
Dave Lynch, District 5 Congressional Write-in Candidate speaks about why he's running and what he'll do if elected.
Obits: Peter Camejo, Paul Newman
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on our 'Interesting Times'.
Darren W. Miller, author of "Web of Conspiracy", talks about his book, a guide to conspiracy web sites, and the relative validity of some theories.
Current events
Current Events
Analysis of current financial crisis
KDVS's Rick Ely weighs in on The 1000 Recordings You Should Hear Before You Die.
Current Events
Interview: Tom Moon author of The 1000 Recordings You Should Hear Before You Die.
Science topics
Current Events
Interview Dr. Simon Singh, author of Trick or Treatment, a careful look at alternative medical modalities.
Current events, Obits
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