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Current Events, Will Durst comments on 'The Christian Right'.
Dr. Whitney Leeman talks about her recent trip to Burning Man
Potpurri, current events
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on the Olympics
Science; current events potpurri
Obits: Isaac Hayes, Paul Newman, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Current Events
Host Douglas Everett recounts his recent trip to Siberia to view a solar eclipse, pt 1.
Doug's trip to Siberia pt 2.
Encore Presentation of Radio Parallax - Current events
Author Donald Prothero talks about his article, What Missing Links?, in the current New Scientist Magazine (encore)
Obit: Arthur C. Clark, science topics
Encore Presentation of Radio Parallax - Current events
Vincent Bugliosi best selling author and former Los Angeles District Attorney, talks about his new book; The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder (part 1) Encore
Vincent Bugliosi (part 2) Encore
Current Events
Peter Pringle talks about his book, The Murder of Nikolai Vavilov, a sordid tale of politics triumphing over science
Science topics; current events
Current Events
Steven Valentino Gay Marriage
Will Durst, Keith Ochwat
Current Events
James Kakalios talks about his book, The Physics of Superheroes - an entertaining reality check
Science topics, etc
Current Events, Will Durst comments on the "Veepstakes"
Science potpourri, current events
Obits: Jesse Helms, science topics
Current Events
Award winning journalist Robert Scheer talks about his new book, The Pornography of Power
Obits, science
Current Events
Vincent Bugliosi best selling author and former Los Angeles District Attorney, talks about his new book; The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder (part 1)
Vincent Bugliosi (part 2)
Current Events
Shaun Minton talks sports
Current events, Will Durst comments on gas prices
Current Events
Science topics
Obits, Current events
Current Events, Will Durst comments on
Cal Fire Captain Brent Stangeland gives a first hand account of fighting wild fires.
Dr. Shamser Sinha talks about his work helping child refugees in the UK
Current Events
Mat Kaplan, host of The Planetary Report talk about Mars Landers
Current Events; Science
Current Events
Scientist Simon LeVay talks about his new book, When Science Goes Wrong.
Douglas Everett takes a field trip to KUCM in Merced.
Current Events
Dr. Bruce Betts, spokesman for the Planetary Society, talks about Space, the upcoming Planetfest, and other astronomical news
Science, politics and whatever we damn well please.
Current Events
Gordon 'Uncle John' Javna talks about, Plunges Into Music, his latest Bathroom Reader
Obits: Vesco, Herlitz
Current Events
John Dean, talks about his new book, Pure Goldwater, a compilation of the journals of the late Barry Goldwater.
RP Intern Lery Chavez discusses Carlos Slim, the second richest man in the world and how so he became.
Current Events
David Lamb, 34 year veteran of the LA Times, talks about the progress of Vietnam since the American War, and his new book Vietnam Now
Science topics, current events
Progressive talk show host, Peter B. Collins, talks about the demise of Air America in Sacramento. Blogger/Activist Brad Friedman discusses voting machine fraud.
KDVS Public affairs hosts, Richard Estes & France Kassing talk about filling the void left from the Air America departure from Sacramento.
Julie Kredens, host of Kentucky Public Radio's, State of Affairs, comments on the largest White Castle recently built in Louisville, KY.
Current Events
William Poundstone talks about his book, Big Secrets, revealing the secret formula for Coke, and how the Empire State Building was made to 'vanish'.
Doug talks about his recent expedition to the Big Apple and our nation's capitol.
Current Events
Bob Newman, CEO of Newman Communications, gives an analysis of the Presidential race
Obit: Senator Howard Metzenbaum, Science topics
Current Events
Author Donald Prothero talks about his article, What Missing Links?, in the current New Scientist Magazine
Obit: Arthur C. Clark, science topics
Current Events
Stephen Braun, co-author of, Merchant of Death, discusses the notorious arms dealer Viktor Bout
Will Durst comments on the new 7 Deadly Sins
Current Events, SN&R writer and award winning author Jennifer Davidson talks about the environmental harm of sport fishing. Will Durst comments on the 'undead' Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.
Dr. Jack Weatherford talks about his book, Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World.
Tim Cope recounts his incredible 3 year journey on horseback across the Eurasian Steppe, On the Trail of Genghis Khan.
Current Events
KDVS's Program Director, Jen Kao, talks about the start of the UCD Radio Network. Dan Tsang, radio host of UCI's Subversity, speaks about CIA whistle blower Phillip Agee.
Obits: W.F. Buckley, Robert Jastrow
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on Huckabee
Author William Poundstone talks about his new book, Gaming The Vote.
The People's Court Judge Joseph Wapner speaks about his new "how to" e-book on going to small claims court
Current Events
Willie Brown, Former Mayor of San Francisco and Speaker of the CA Assembly talks about his memoir, Basic Brown
Peter B. Collins, Bay Area Progressive talk show host discusses various topics
Current Events
David Cay Johnston talks about his new book, Free Lunch, How The Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves At Government Expense (And Stick You With The Bill)
Meteorologist Elyssa Lynn talks about the recent bout of strange weather
Current Events
Mick Mucus of KDVS's Chicken Years program talks about going to Peru to assist in the post earthquake humanitarian efforts. KDVS public affairs host, Dr. Andy Jones talks about the local poetry scene
R V Scheide of SN&R gives his thoughts on the upcoming primary election
Current Events
Gwyneth Cravens author of, Power To Save The World, The Truth About Nuclear Energy, pt 1
Gwyneth Cravens pt 2
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on Republican candidates
Author Seth Shulman discusses his new book on the controversy regarding who actually invented the telephone titled The Telephone Gambit.
Joanne Fuller talks about the watch dog group, Common Cause, of which she is part.
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on New Hampshire primary
Ginger Rutland of the Sac Bee sounds off on the new parking meters
Obit: Ike Turner, current events
Douglas Everett recaps 2007's notable events (pt 1)
Douglas Everett recaps 2007's notable events (pt 2)
Radio Parallax's Sports Correspondent Shaun Minton give a summary of 2007's sports stories.
Dr. Peter Donahue instructs Douglas Everett on how to speak Australian (pt 1)
Dr. Peter Donahue how to speak Australian (pt 2)
Dr. John Savino discusses his new book, Super Volcano
Current Events
Radar magazine senior editor Dale Hraby talks about his article "Help, I Can't Move My Face", which exposes plastic surgery mishaps in Hollywood and elsewhere.
Doug's neighbor and educator Leno Carolo talks about meeting the rocket scientist who designed Evel Knievel's famous Skycycle.
Current Events
Sac News & Review writer, Jennifer Davidson, reports on the grisly processing of salmon at the Nimbus hatchery. And Bob Roper talks about the Golden Gate bridge swim event in which Doug participated
Science topics and current events
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on 'the dollar'
Gordon 'Uncle John' Javna talks about the Triumphant 20th Anniversary Bathroom Reader
Bruce Braunstein talks about his recent LA Times editorial on California water politics, and Vincent Rincon gives a first hand account of the Van Halen reunion tour.
Current Events
Michael Krasny, author, and award winning host of NPR's, Forum, talks about his new book, Off Mike (pt 1)
Michael Krasny, host of Forum (pt 2)
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on Thanksgiving
Investigative jounalist Lisa Pease discusses the lawsuit against some voting machine companies in California.
Encore presentation of Ira Glass', Fiasco, from his show, This American Life
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on countries with nukes
Dr. Peter Dale Scott concludes the discussion of his new book, The Road to 911 (pt 3), Mat Kaplan host of the Planetary Report radio program talks about his show and his start in radio at UCI
Obits: Norman Mailer, Joey Bishop, Robert Goulet
Current Events
Dr. Peter Dale Scott resumes the discussion of his new book, The Road to 911 (pt 2)
Science topics, current events
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on not voting
Dr. Peter Dale Scott discusses his new book, The Road to 911 (pt 1)
Dr. Andy Jones gives a report of the Seymour Hersh lecture at the Mondavi Center.
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on smoking
Science potpourri, current events
Obits: Enrico Banducci, Mark Goodson, Bob Denard
Current Events, Will Durst commentary on Al Gore's Nobel Prize
Author Michael Pollan talks about his fascinating book , The Omnivore's Dilemma.
KDVS's Heather Klinger talks about, The Midtown Monthly, a new magazine for which she writes articles on local music happenings.
Current Events, Will Durst commentary
SN&R's Jennifer Davidson talks about the cruelty to which circus elephants are subjected
Former KDVS GM Steven Valentino talks about working for Sirius Radio and life in NYC
Current Events
Vladimir Zeravica the hailstorm flight
Current Events, Will Durst commentary
Political analysis of current administration, etc.
Potpourri of news items
Nick Gregory gives an on the scene, first hand account of the recent anti-war rally in Washington DC; Will Durst reflects on Gen. Petraeus' update on Iraq.
SN&R Radio Parallax correspondent, Jennifer Davidson, talks about Global Warming
Actor Jeff Kravitz, speaks about the play, A Patriot Act: The Trial of GW Bush, currently playing in Sacramento.
Current Events
Douglas Everett give an analysis of the current state of the Iraq War
Sac News & Review writer and Radio Parallax's Eco correspondent, Jennifer Davidson, talks about solar cookers and their use in developing nations.
Current Events
Ira Flatow, host of NPR's Science Friday, speaks about his new book. Present at the Future
Science topics
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