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Travel to Morocco, Trump screws Morocco, Trump apes Machiavelli, Silicon Valley antics, Obit - Dick Tuck, muffed series on Jack Parsons
Baracoon, the Last Black Cargo - a chat with Deborah Plant about the work of Zora Hurston to uncover the life story of a man taken into slavery in 1859
Addendum to Ton Wolfe obit, Current Events round up, GB&U, accuracy in reporting, hourly pay declines, the mystery of Treasure of the Sierra Madre author B. Traven
Kimberly Guilfoyle, George Dukemejian, Alan Bean, the mystery of Bright Nights, Marilyn Vos Savant on negtive vs positive lightening, the scary power of Big Data, tech utopianism fades, pro-Trump bots perverted 2016 election, DARPA monitors social networks
We mourn the passing of literary giant Tom Wolfe
More commemoration of the great Tom Wolfe
Birthday for Karl Marx, collusion vs conspiracy, 3,000 Trump lies, Marx as a founder of socialism and communism, Greg Palast on GOP anti-democratic efforts in US elections
200 years of "Frankenstein" and its modern version - Silicon Valley companies and their failure to reign in their perverse tech
Trump doctor admits his physical exam report was dictated to him by the Prez after which goons were sent in to remove his medical records, Obit: Chuck McCann, Michael Cohen under attack, the Golden State killer shows how our judicial system fails us, all the rapes are beyond the statute of limitations, though Bill Cosby has changed that for subsequent criminals
The Economists on not to trust economists, internet companies shirk taxes, students unable to use clocks, cursive abandoned, walking The Camino of Spain, the story of a goofy fad
Solar system near collision, Kosovo clocks, near human organ?, MLK+50, Death of Stalin and Putin antics, questionable Syrian attack reports, international injustice
Mark Evanier on the Stormy storm, Amazon droning on drones, whining/leaving Silicon Valley, Theranos fraud, GBU, fair inequality vs unfair equality
Radio Parallax to take a break in weekly production, Trump fails to rebuff North Korean overtures, CIA ads, GBU, when not if the driverless cars, Bannon amok, Bolivia wants a coast; backlash against evils from Google and Facebook,
Death cleaning in the USA, Cambridge Analytica and Facebook wrongdoing and lies, banks taking down corporations in the rotten story of private equity firms and how the destroy jobs and commerce
LA Times weighs in on controversy at Martins Beach, sad tale from The Atlantic on how corporations became people; H1B visas and Einstein visas, brief obit for Steven Hawking
dropping bowling balls on Japanese cars, is Trump demented?, Brit millenials flunk history, GBU, why is the Bible so badly written?, Henry the Navigator and religious battles
Brief Obit: Nokie Edwards of The Ventures, readers send us Borowitz, bad day on proxima centauri b, yet more tech stupidity; double dose of the good, the bad and the ugly; still more sex with The Donald, 120 million dollars to fight foreign meddling in US election goes unspent
Drought relief; Jane Mayer The Atlantic article on the Steele Dossier at some length
Reprise: Dr Ivan Schwab on the evolution of the eye
Dr Ivan Scwab continued...
Preserving Baikal, militarism, history of Paul Manaford per article in The Atlantic, more sex scandal with The Donald, GBU, measles returns
Poliical correctness again; Author James DiEugenio talks more about the late Robert Parry
GOP "fiscal restraint" borrows a trillion $, GBU, a trillion loose planets in one galaxy?, cutting edge science?,the dress that drove the slave trade
New Scientist weighs in on Trump, clarifying opioids, crazy tech and terrible applications, trusting AI
Sexual harrassment and criminal behavior vs gymnasts, Richard Spencer and demands for censorship, a look at free speech issues on campuses and across the country,
Brief Obit: Delores O Rearden, GBU, nuttiness with Greeks, Russians and doritos, who is Carter Page?, improving on "GDP", US oil is back
Brief current events, a chat with Quizmaster extraordinaire Dr Andy Jones about his new book Pub Quizzes, Trivia for Smart People, Dr Andy (always a listener favorite) tells how he finds questions with which to titillate contestants
Interview with James DiEugenio about The Post also a chat about the late Robert Parry
Obituary: Robert Parry, founder of Consortium News, and an investigative journalist we long admired
Talk with Dr Rodger Orman , operator of a pain clinic, about the "opiod crisis" which has been so much in the news
Brief Obit I: Hugh Masakela, Brief Obit II: Edwin Hawkins, Trump follies & the "OJ defense", bad male behavior reacted to
Some trivia, Pasadena: its little old ladies, more talk stimuated by film, water woes around the world (and in California), real "fire birds" (an odd tale from Australia)
A look at the film The Post; including a review by former Post reporter Jefferson Morley, and some critical commentary on Ben Bradleee specifically by James DiEugenio
Daniel Ellsberg on the events seen in the film, the words of David Halberstam (The Powers That Be) on same, Finally Michael Trachtman and his summariy of the Pentagon Papers court case
Vice Presidential musical talent, PC at NPR, a tale of witch hunts - the story of Rififi, KPFA woes, citizen journalists, food in orbit
A discussion of the new book by Daniel Ellsberg - The Doomsday Machine, GB&U, perfect coffee? PBS on Teddy Roosevelt
Economic oddities, KDVS show on The Ghost
Part II on The Ghost
Netflix send-up of Silicon Valley, subscription scams, Good, Bad & Ugly, sports musings, the Xmas tree, Russian humor, food follies
Interview with Gary Taubes about his book The Case Against Sugar
Yams are sweet potatos, the "interstellar asteroid" is not a spaceship, Interview with Jefferson Morley on The Ghost, a biography of James Angleton
Part II of Jefferson Morley The Ghost, The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton
Sexual misconduct, Will Durst on 2017, GB&U, The Bomb documentary, a fly in the wine
They finally oust Robert Mugabe from Zimbabwe, HUD neglect, net neutrality, Bernie Sanders comments on The Paradise Papers, tech follies including Bitcoin and how your writing style identifies you
Curb Your Enthuiasm, Paradise Papers, battery breakthrough?, light pollution, juries - you get what you pay for,
tech PR vs reality, firing Garrison Keillor, GB&U, plate techtonics, botox story
Fixing Voyager on the fly, 9-11 lawsuits, college vs semi-pro sports, quotes from new book on CIA master spy Angleton
The dangers of sugar per Dr Robert Lustig, YIMBY group ignores supply & demand, Florida real estate scams, fears of intelligent machines, slipping in to Jet Propulsion Lab a look back with Donald Rose
Mugabe cashiered. YIMBY assholes followup. JFK: mock trial in Houston, Dallas conference. Visitor from interstellar space. Trump depresses the nation. How Silicon Valley hooks us: a caveat from The Guardian.
Report: author Franklin Foer at Stanford. Harpers Magazine stats. Bob Berman on Saros 136. E-commerce shipping woes. Bargain book bonus. Digital data detox.
See show 775, segment 2.
The downside of high tech. JFK records retained. CO2 at 800,000 year high. Social media: its threat to democracy. Facebook & Google running amok.
Excerpts from World Without Mind by Franklin Foer. Computer scientist Donald Rose talks about Artificial Intelligence.
Public double-cross -- again. Solar system invaded. JFK records release: the true numbers. 100th anniversary of the Soviet Union -- yawn. Che Guevara, 50 years on. Luther: 500 years on.
Obit: Fats Domino. Communism: alive and well in China. Chicoms: embracing AI technology. Dont Hassel The Hoff. Colombian coffee. Tech gone haywire.
JFK records release scam. 225 years of the Old Farmers Almanac. The NFL and the First Amendment. Our usual fare.
Reprise: Jefferson Morley interview. Our man in Havana.
UCI med school goes in for quackery. Obits: Jake LaMotta and Bobby Heaton. The Juice is loose. Also, David Lopez. Non-saluting the flag. Dementia test.
Vegas shooter: gambling creep. Obit: Arthur Janov, the Primal Scream guru. Scientific research of dubious value. Thomas Midgley: a one-man scientific disaster?
Santa Rosa burns up. RexTillerson thinks Trump is a moron? Robert Mugabe: still a jerk, but hanging on. Larry David returns to HBO. Gerrymandering. Google engulfs.
Cleanliness in Western society. Handwashing: a recent development. 60th anniversary of Sputnik. A look at Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.
Thoughts and analysis of the tragedy in Las Vegas.
A remembrance of the man who prevented World War III in 1983.
Some musings on Hawaii. Usual show opening. Quackery. Paper currency issues.
Russiagate. Google, Amazon, Facebook: public enemies? More insidious tech.
Interview with Martha Brockenbrough about her book, “Alexander Hamilton - Revolutionary.”
Part 2, Alexander Hamilton interview. More eclipse chat. Usual show fare.
Musings on Geography. Deep Politics. Can AI tell if you’re gay? (good grief) Using DNA to tell what you look like. Thoughts on rain.
More on the late great Dick Gregory. Yet more corporate mergers. Science topics. Goodbye, Cassini – a look at the mission’s accomplishments and findings.
Our Australian correspondent, Pamela Taylor, joins us to talk Eclipse Tourism – plus a look at Australian slang.
Reprise episode: Mark Anderson, author of “Shakespeare by Another Name.”
The “American eclipse” – an eyewitness report, assisted by Pamela Taylor, our Australian correspondent.
Trumpian antics. Miscellaneous Parallax musings. Dangers from tech companies. Questions on antibiotics.
Andreas Kluth on Hannibal (reprise).
Good, bad, and ugly – new and old. Stealing pistachios. Trump at the Boy Scouts.
Political hitman Roger Stone - via a brief quote gathered for us in LA anyway. Can AI produce poetry? The new tech monopolies. Archival humor. Are planets 9 and 10 orbiting beyond Pluto??
Trump vs. his supporters. Job issues: tech run amok. Summer of Love at 50.
Micro-dosing. Good, bad and ugly. Bad behaviors. Planetary science.
Current events and the usual fare.
Miscellaneous stuff. The attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, 50 years ago this month.
Some introspection. Trump's hilarious cabinet. Our usual boilerplate. Indonesia's killer kretek cigarettes.
Obits: Fred Kummerow (opponent of trans fats); bipolar baseballer Jim Piersall; Jack O'Neill (wizard of wet suits); Manuel Noriega; sinister media maven Roger Ailes; Zbigniew Brzezinski (author of the USSR's Afghan debacle); actor Roger Moore; Adam West (THE Batman).
Trip to the Azores.
James Brown's anti-drug spot. Adventures in Iberia, part two.
Summer of Love turns 50. Also from 1967: satanic lion in SF. The MMR shot. Ten peculiar laws.
Trump fires Comey. Obit: Robert Pirsig. Usual fare. Weaponizing Anthony Weiner.
GOP war on science continues. EPA under siege. Skepticism over Syria. Monsanto sued.
Proxima Centauri verified. Archival material revisited.
Don Rickles obit. US entry into World War I centennial. Politically correct language (call-in from Dr. Chris Leslie of the Institute for Improved Language).
Excerpts from Neil Sheehan's classic Vietnam book, A Bright Shining Lie.
Goldman Sachs: still in the saddle. Raiders saga review. Salton Sea sickness.
Serbian comedy candidate. Obama's red phone call to Putin. Marc Ambinder's bizarre Washington Post piece denying the Deep State.
Realities of the Deep State. Excerpt of Peter Dale Scott radio interview.
Is Trump at war with the Deep State? Respected investigative journalists deny Russiagate.
Review of Chuck Berry's career with musicologist Kyle Larsen.
Replumbing India. Daylight savings conspiracy. Wild turkeys in Davis. Goat yoga. Cyber security. Cold turkey on tech addiction.
Social media evils. Russian hacks. Taibbi quotes on Trump. Bacteria helping your health.
Trump on the march... to doomsday? Obituary: David Lamb. Zealandia. Breeding fighting cattle.
Water & Power: A California Heist (a Nat Geo special), interview with director Marina Zenovich and attorney Adam Keats.
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