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Current Events, Will Durst on the GOP debate
UC Davis's, Dr. Dawn Sumner on picking the landing site in Gale Crater for the Mars Opportunity rover
Obituary: songwriter extraordinaire, Jerry Lieber (of Lieber & Stoller) with musical clips of his often hilarious tunes.
Current Events, Will Durst on the GOP's 'pledge drive'.
The 911 attacks - 10 years on
Author Jim Otaviani talks about his graphic novel on our favorite Nobel Prize winning physicist - Richard Feynman.
Current Events, nuclear reactor in the kitchen
Author Mark Stein on his book "How the States Got Their Shapes", source of TV program of same name
Chat with KDVS's Ed Martin
Current Events, Bernie Madoffs customers get stupider and greedier still.
UCD Professor Gitta Coaker talks about plant pathology
New Scientist mag (and KDViations) interviewee Simon Singh sounds off in print
Current Events, polygamy, hilarious SN&R film review
More CE: fewer plastic bags & less meat to save the Earth
Misc. topics: the British resent Blair's lies on Iraq
Current Events; cod recovery, delta smelt too?
Former naval petty officer Janet Smith talks about tracking Soviet subs amid the 1980's Cold War tensions (turns out it wan't quite like the Hunt for Red October)
Fun with "Opinions You Should Have" web site, space probes, Mental Floss quotes
Current Events, bad college cover letters
Actor, director, Hollywood icon, Norman Lloyd, at Musso & Frank Grill (part 3).
The immortal Chuck Berry at 84 with many music clips
Current Events, more on 2004 election chicanery in Ohio
KZFR General Manager Rick Anderson talks about an upcoming event in Chico featuring Will Durst and Michael Parenti (and the host of this program)
Science: asteroid captured by Earth's gravity (for now)
Current Events, why is the Earth hot?, Will Durst on Economic alarmism
Mat Kaplan, the host of KUCI's Planetary Radio (heard on KDVS too), talks about recent space news
The crappy compact fluorescent "light bulb", tales of kayaking.
Current Events, flying cars? let's hope not
South Sudan - the 194th nation, real estate weasels, what do bosses do?
Obit: Jeane Bartick; man in space?, the Anthony Summers investigation of the links between the Saudi royal family and the 9/11 attackers
Current Events, following God's laws with slave ownership, antibiotics in animal feed.
More "random rants", Kel Munger article on real radiation risks post earthquake
More with actor director Norman Lloyd at Musso & Frank Grill in Hollywood.
Current Events
Author David Talbot, talks about his book, "Devil Dog: The Amazing True Story of the Man Who Saved America" (General Smedley Butler)
Sudden Republican pacifism on Libya (vs WMD lies on Iraq)
Current Events, $6.6 billion in cash missing from Iraq funds, Durst on debate
Science topcs: Truthout.com review of Merchants of Doubt, the anti-global warming propaganda battle
More science: Matt Weiser Bee article on clear-cutting
Current Events
Random Rants; electronic privacy issues
Obits: James Arness of Gunsmoke, Dr Jack Kevorkian, dubious element discoveries, our closer music - a complete Tom Lehrer's The Elements
Current Events
Author Sam Kean, The Disappearing Spoon and other Tales of Madness, Love and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements.
Weird cool local weather, Paul Revere's ride in politician's minds
Current Events
Actor, director, Hollywood icon, Norman Lloyd, at Musso & Frank Grill in Hollywood (part 2).
Obit: Gil Scott Heron, with closing music bed (how could we resist) The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Current Events
Author, Doug Perednia MD, discusses his new book; Overhauling Americas Healthcare Machine: Stop the Bleeding and Save Trillions (pt 3)
Obama stands up to the Israeli right on Middle Eastern peace obfuscations
Current Events
Actor, director, Hollywood icon, Norman Lloyd chats with us at Musso Franks about his co-horts Orson Welles, Charlie Chaplin and Alfred Hitchcock
Our friend Pakistan (?), Bee article about Ah-nold's shady deal over Fabian Nunez's felonious son
Current Events
Author, Doug Perednia MD, discusses his new book; Overhauling Americas Healthcare Machine: Stop the Bleeding and Save Trillions (pt 2 of 3)
Bin Ladens location known in October 08 - and mentioned on TV!, US Attorney gets Dr Mollie Fry jailed for cannabis advocacy (your tax dollars being spent stupidly)
Current Events
Author, Doug Perednia MD, discusses his new book; Overhauling Americas Healthcare Machine: Stop the Bleeding and Save Trillions (pt 1 of 3)
Obituary: Osama bin Laden
Current Events
Comedians Michael O'Connell and Jason Armenio talk shop about standup comedy, part 2
Miscellaneous file: digging up the "Mona Lisa", Jesse Ventura's pretty good book on "conspiracy"
Our annual KDVS PLEDGE DRIVE program - great clips galore
Current Events
Comics Michael O'Connell & Jason Armenio talk about the local comedy scene. Will Durst checks in from from a Giant's game in SF.
More comedy: The Bathroom Reader's Series
Current Events
Author Mark Hertsgaard on his book Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth
Annoying news including CHP writing more tickets to help CA budget
Current Events
Author, Sherie Holbrook Labedis, talks about her book; "You Came Here to Die, Didn't You: Registering Black Voters One Soul at a Time", a stirring tale of the civil rights efforts of the 60s
Cave men living in Texas (not currently it turns out to our surprise), Fukashima overreactions including Homer Simpson's
Current Events
Medical breakthroughs and news
Science topic, NASA orbits Mercury, the "burning debate" over tau vs pi
Current Events
Award winning author Russ Baker talks about the latest NPR gaff and his fascinating book, Family of Secrets
Potpourri of topics, internet sleuthing
Current Events
Investigative journalist, Kristina Borjesson talks about her latest project; Watchdog Warriors.
GOP misbehavior, inaccurate predictions
Current Events
Science & politics & lies: BP on the Gulf accident and Monsanto misbehavior
More Godfather lore, David Stockman on Defense cuts
Current Events
Science, Finance topics, including woodpeckers pecking, Matt Taibbis article - Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail? from Rolling Stone
Aviation safety: Douglas Lonnstrom talks about his book, JFK Jr "10 Years after the Crash, a Pilot's Perspective" some sound aviation advice
Current Events
Professor (of Brewing) Charles Bamforth, talks about beer and his book Beer Is Proof That God Loves Us , a heady chat
Science topics,
Current Events
British author Tristan Gooley discusses his book "The Natural Navigator, A Watchful Explorer's Guide to a Nearly Forgotten Skill"
News & science topics, including polonium in tobacco
Current Events
Whatever we damn well please: the Kings Arena Scam, CA water scams
Review of trip to Costa Rica with Gordon Smith & Elise Howell, travel companions (part 2)
Current Events
Jouralist and author, Scott Stossel talks about his biography on Sargent Shriver
Interview with Kevin Cook of Sports Illustrated about his book on "Titanic Thompson" the legendary gambler & sports hustler
Current Events
Science, history, politics & whatever we damn well please
Tribute to MLK, JFK and Dwight Eisenhower
Current Events
Former KDVS GM (and KZFR DJ) Steven Valentino talks about his job at WNYC's Leonard Lopate Show
Sciency stuff: Mono Lake bacteria to fisheries improving.
Current Events
Doug recounts the colorful events of his recent trip to Colombia and Costa Rica with travel companions, Elise Howell and Gordon Smith.
Science stuff, frog population crash, Acension Island patchwork ecosystem, bird navigation, cooling cities with greenery
Current Events, Matt Perry talks about producing the California Gridiron Gala here at the Sacramento Press Club.
Gary Chew picks his top 10 movies of 2010. New KDVS Public Affairs director, George Selu introduces himself and talks about his show "Sounds of Africa"
Chat on Dick Dales "Miserlu" with Gil Medavoy host of KDVSs Crossing Continents (and expert on Middle Eastern music)
Current Events, Will Durst Top 10 comedic news stories of 2010
Douglas Everett talks about his recent trip to Colombia
Good things happening, periodic table review, bacterial tricks, red lunar eclipse
Current Events, Will Durst gives Christmas shopping advice for the CEO on your list
Science, history, politics, current events.
Astronomy topics, water on an asteroid, Kuiper belt occultation, one way trip to Mars, Western thinking processes
Current Events
Science, history, politics & whatever we damn well please
Political round up
Current Events, Will Durst "Don't Taze My Junk, Bro"
Afghanistan reality check
Science, history, politics & whatever we damn well please
Current Events, Will Durst on Thanksgiving
Science, history, politics, current events.
Ira Glass's, Fiasco (encore)
Current Events
Real estate woes, lawyers under fire
The lame predictions of pundits
Current Events
Valerie Plame book, plus parts of our prior interviews with husband Ambassador Joseph Wilson
NASA comet close up (again), magnetism on the brain
Current Events
Award winning author Russ Baker talks about his fascinating book, Family of Secrets.
Science topics
Current Events
Election stuff, Dan Walters column on "recommendations", Meg Whitman slams Fresno w/ feedback from Fresno resident Jeff Shinoda
Return to show by film historian David Kiehn post "60 Minutes" seg on his ID of 1906 Market St SF movie as having been shot just pre-earthquake
Current Events, Will Durst "Don't Got Milk?"
Science, Current events
Tara Eshghi talks about rising UC tuition fees & costs. Obit: jive talking Barbara Billingsly from Leave it to Beaver
Current Events
Neural marketing - oxytocin, MRI brain scans to manipulate customers, history, politics & whatever, population climbs, GB&U, write-in complaints, election money flooding in after Citizens United catastrophe
Obit - atmosphere of Mars, waste pond mishap, crazy carp farming, delta fish denied EPA protection by shaky water pols
Current Events, Activist, Publisher, Comedian, Ngaio Bealum, talks about the upcoming CA marijuana initative (Prop 19) and a fundraiser for Americans For Safe Access.
Gerald Nachman Author of, Raised On Radio, (pt 2) - more radio wonderfulness
Science topics.
Current Events, Will Durst "She's in the attic!"
Gerald Nachman Author of, Raised On Radio, (pt 1) - a wonderful look at old time radio
Obit: George Blanda
Current Events, Will Durst is 'Mad'!
Jared Diamond, talks about the National Geographic TV special that is based on his book; Collapse, How Societies Choose To Fail Or Succeed.
Manager Stephanie Violas, gives Radio Parallax a tour of a cannabis dispensary (the one she manages)
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