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Trip to Dark Skies Festival in Great Basin National park; book promotion: Pride & Prejudice; An American Way of Death, Stiff; oh yeah - Trump opens impeachment inquiry; other bad politicians; GB&U; college admissions scandal claims a Hollywood actress, but not old money elite
Pretending to navigate the homeless, and using this ploy to bypass environmental regs on SF Bay; Clean Water Act at risk; Sierra Club selling out on water scamming?; questionable Kern Water bank privatization
A second interstellar visitor, Niles Canyon hike & bike, GB&U, you cannot recycle garbage; bring back deposit bottles by passing bottle bills, and use glass vs plasic, fast food crows & cholesterol
Steven Kinzer book on mind control; Stanley Gottlieb - the Dr Mengele of MK-Ultra; Obits: David Koch, Lee Iacocca, Rip Torn; manipulating public opinion - slanted to those with the big bucks example: puff piece on how jobs losses from robots and Ai and automation will cause no problems
Olympic cheats; year zero; art follies; castorium alert; GB&U, Trump gets into the weather; Brazil bottoms; seemed like a good idea; the real zodiac
Enjoying nature vs phone separation anxiety; tour of old town of Alvarado in East Bay and its surprises; hacking Twitter via sim-swapping; is privacy gone?
Great quotes, Calvin Trillin bit from New Yorker, GB&U backlog, Obits - that rascal Robert Mugabe, that mensch Bob Fletcher, Trump tarifs impact Bible production - from China
Kakapoo on rebound?, most food expiration dates are just PR, homeopathy is a fraud, Obit: Liane Russell, dubious hi tech
Tribute Program for France Senecal Kassing; France interviews Chalmers Johnson for KDVS
France Kassing on Capital Public Radio program Insight talking, about Howard Zinn
A look at ancient Rome; interview with Professor Barry Strauss , author of Ten Caesars - Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine
Barry Strauss , part 2
Charlie Chaplin tour; Monterey whale watching; Hawaiian anecdote
GOP funding of Maryann Williamson; GB&U; gaming Google Maps; test of Google - they pass; monkeys join apes & man as tool user; croc teeth and snake ribs, insect apocalype, carbonation surprises
American gay president - in 1857?, American big pharma nonsense; lowering cholesterol with food vs incentivizing docs to Rx drugs; anti-cholinergic drugs & dementia
GB&U; tourism out of control in Venice and elsewhere; Hong Kong rebellion continues; Obit: Lee Ra Hee; Huawei under suspicion for Chinese spying as Silicon Valley sucks up to China; dance crazes
No-wash clothes, toothpaste via drone, high points of low tech, google gluttony, uber inanities, AI curveliance & ideo analytics, GB&U, a look back at Joe McCarthy, 3 anecdotes
A look back over the decades at what a personss high school Poli Sci teacher might say about developments, courtesy of a visit with my high school Poli Sci teacher Mark Mattingly
The world going govern-MENTAL; political party circuses; the Dems and the Whigs
more early American politics; anti-slavery leads to the GOP and civil war; the banana party in Brazil; Bosco the dog mayor, GB&U; debating Dems
Gut bacteria may influence development of autism, close supernova may have affected earth, shyster lawyer gets some get back, slave ship Clotilda found - see prior show in Baracoon, NPR misses point on NORAD story, Gabbard only Dem taking a stand against Military Industry, forget the 10,000 steps
The Mystery of Expertise; census question not likely to help more vote - duh; government yawns at prospect of foreign intervention in 2020 election; Mitch McConnel lied about his actions to stop Garland SCOTUS nomination; heavyweight title to Mexican-American; Silicon Valley eyes Central Valley water
The extremely stable genius in action, and maybe in love; stats; US parrots; Mt Everest stupidity, a prime minister surgeon, shyster indicted, GB&U
Reignig-in robo calls; Roundup - bad Rx; false flag ops; student housing in the flight path; Obit: Herman Wouk; old articles; convice with values - facts will not work; Trump eco rollback - frontal assault on science
The smart speakers gets eyes, Obit: Doris Day, art replaces cocaine as a sign you have too much money, Gavin Newsom to cure homelessness via task force and help fish by removing water, Chinese Green Wall may be failing, energy costs
Australia hits reverse on climate change action; Murdoch empire bad news - for most of us; plutonium speculations; ignoring global warming in school; sunscreen toxicity; Denisovan jawboning
SF bans facial recognition; Fred Trump was also a jerk; visiting Santa Catalina; saving giraffes, GB&U; The Donlad lost more money than anyone else in recent history; GOP legislatures continue to limit voting and halt all abortions - despite Roe v. Wade
Economist notes Trump has committed impeachable offenses; do carbon dioxide levels impede your meetings?; Exxon predicted our present global warming level - in 1982 - but rather than change business model, launched PR campaign; US blocks artic nation cooperation vs climate change; longevity factors; valid anti-ageing Rx coming?; phone addiction and tech mischief; making AI accountable;
Sad stats; GB&U, gaslighting, follow-ups; immigrant woes; terrorist Kahanists; Obit: Charles Van Doren; Cohen before Congress; misconduct per Mueller
more of Cohen denunciations; more of Caro on LBJ; Newsom moratorium will not stymie trial of Golden State Killer; AI & tech issues; non-existant Google technical support
GB&U, Azores story that a lot of bull, recycling tips, bad news for journalism especially in America
Briefing on the mighty hoax of Bigfoot; wikileaks and Russia; relatives of homo sapiens; one-way trips to Mars cancelled; new tech; fiber pollution; gravity waves
Art ahead of life - Jack Ma trumps Silicon Valley while life imitates art in Ukraine; Trumps dirty pool; Obit: Andrew Marshall, Robert Caro on how LBJ got on 1960 ticket from The Passage of Power
Obit: David Fetchheimer; Bill Turner on the FBI; the Mob; Israel and Netanyahu;
black hole photo, speedy stars, interstellar visitor, our sun & family, GB&U, stats, video game addiction, state enhanced gambling addiction
viewing California wild flowers; animals are like us; lying robots; Alexa eavesdropping, driving asleep; digital baby footprint; robo calling; groundfish on rebound; Toobin on Mueller
Restoring wildlife in South Bay; Khashoggi: Trump - golf cheater; GB&U; new atomic threat; college admissions scandals; Silicon Valley immortals
Congrats to the SN&R on its 40th anniversary, bad ideas: cashless stores, drones; spectacular fossil find? - by a nobody
April No-Collusion Fools Days, Theranos fools, Silicon Valley forces a march away from remote work, the rent control non-answer, surveilance tech challenge to democracy
GB&U; vaccines still do not cause autism; social prescribing; smelling Parkinsons?; space junk; more on meteors, dinosaur killer fossils?; death of almanac
Mueller meanders and Barr bars, Bill Barr history of burying bodies, drafting women, new internet critics Tim Berners-Lee & Vint Cerf, EU vs big tech, felling forests for carbon credits
Obits - Dick Dale, Hal Blaine, Birch Bayh & Lyndon Laroche, Chinese chicanery and Zuck sucks up, international bad politician round-up, Silicon Valley immortals
The egg, scholastic scandal, Gavin and the misuse of Eminent Domain, death penalty denial, Theranos documentary, bad robot bedside manner
GB&U, bird watching bozos, read the fine print, Boeing fails to fix engineering with software, the AI panacea, news about Hawaii, tiptoeing through the turnips
Happy birthday to The Periodic Table, Obit - Betty Ballantine, Jane Mayer on Fox Propaganda, Trans athletes, GB&U, Bob Costas is a stand-up guy, Newsom elevates his opinion over the law, snakes on a palm tree
The Periodic Table of the Elements, The Economist and New Scientist, we dispute everything above Americium
Skiing news, actor fakes assault, Parallax finally stumbles onto fashion, GB&U, Nest Guard - listening in
Mort Sahl - an American institution, a first-hand report, restricting fines, fees and fortitures, organic food, low-cal fast food, Chinese sci-fi
Trump cheating, lying and hysterical non-emergencies, do-gooders complicate life for domestic caretakers, Jane Mayer - Dark Money
GB&U, Tim Wu at the Commonwealth Club (our new Guilded Age and the need for anti-trust and why we need to break up FB) old SN&R article on the Evils of Amazon, Obit for the Opportunity Mars rover
Newsom and tunnel vision, no Spanish in Montana, Interview with Jerry Pollicoff (senior editor OpEd News, expert on JFK & the media)
More Jerry Policoff on new Truth and Reconcilliation Committee and old story of media coverage
Minor planets and so much more, tech cororate crybabies, tax pipe dreams, putting more old folks in homes, gun control realities, Chinese crystal meth, do not flush fluchable wipes, Chinese birth hotels
Archival fun, deep political musings, GB&U, Trump all in on AI, roboburgers, AI avades drug patents, thumps up on Stan & Ollie
Super Bowl, archival items, quips, Maduro no go, GB&U, Psy-ops, border patrol tries to reverese engineer reality for benefit of Trump
Eco-tips, FB at 15, how much of internet is fake, The Secret War behind Amazon reviews, meteor strike on moon, its raining on Titan (sort of), mulling minor planes, cubewanos
Roger Stone, more weasely then ever (ask Malcom Nance) Macedonian muddle, meandering California, Counter Spin backs Maduro, China feeds Drug War, Reefer Madness revived
Dark Money teaser, drone dummkopfs, GB&U, Oracle kneecaps workers, Newsom like Huntington housing, tech companies create housing crunch then demands others repair damage - Apple saturates market, drilling fof water on Mars
Lunar eclipse, copepods and not kosher, David Talbot speaheads effort to re-open JFK case, recycling update, Trump messes up missiles
GB&U, avoid stealing Mexican gas, punting Trumps emoluments issue, Multilevel marketing scams, bad ides on drones, cashless economy, brain reading headbands, tidyness (disorderly does not mean disorganized)
Carol Channing, archival items, new rules, misc file, Bob Cutler, GB&U, Obit for Herb Kelleher
Help from The New Yorker, Anthony Bourdain and Mark Burnett (the man who invented Trump)
Thumbs up for Free Solo, Do not park in San Rafael, Thumbs up for Vice, FB spying on your phone, Bob Einstein, Mean Gene and Trump
Charity vs greed, Dave Barry Year in Review, retro tech Woodstock, soil microbes, stopping global warming, fake robots, the complete meal
King tides, animal econ, "moderate Islam in Saudi, endless war, poll data
PACE loan scams, Geo. Will slams ruling elite, Mr/Mrs Larry Page: owing your e & DNA data, rehabilitating fat and ties, image fakery, tech addiction
End 2018 musings, 50 year lookback, "Earthrise", Science controversies, math madness, selfie silliness, stadium scams
Death if RFK, FB futzing the Philippines, Tech in 68 (Englebart stunned the world), looking at 1918, GB&U, Cuban craziness, organic food
Astronomy near & far, GB&U, ionic airplanes?, ant spider, mono and MS, China and opiods
Tech: Robot Mexicans, robit hand, nanny spying, tracking your purchases, Chinese Middle Class, facial recogniton, more FB lies, the Bob Ross toaster
An interview with atrronomer Phil Plait , columnist for Syfy.com on about cool things we are learning about curious objects in deep space
More from Phil, more space news, than a return to planet earth
Obits: radio host Ray Taliofero, magician Ricky Jay and the grand wimp of the GOP George H.W. Bush
News round up, and our usual fare including a look at tech
A look at "Bohemian Rhapsody", Trump in denial of global warming & a Saudi murdering prince, our local smoky air, Alpha House
Good, Bad and Ugly, diverless car woes, auroras on brown dwarfs, AI to help status quo
A bit on Harvey Washington Wylie, Cold War espionage, food, Tom Jaego Obit, rogue planets; Good, Bad & Ugly, Alpha House, Jane Mayer, ballparks are a bad deal, William Goldman
More from author Vince Palamara on the Scecret Service; oddballs in the SS, the fatal breakdown with JFK
Oumuamua, A man who wants his body sent to deep space - we meet Graham Arthur MacKenzie , our sun can set off military mines (and do worse)
US Secret Service expert Vince Palamara talks to us about remarkable instances of Presidentlial Protection
Hawaiian chronicles, travel tips: bath plug, compact flouresents, batteries; a quote from Bourdain relevant to xenophobia, election fallout, Trump ravings, Cruz survives, vote suppression and altertation continues, House goes blue, quotes from Dark Money
Double GB&U, voter supressor loses, Anthony Levandowski and the self-driving car follies
Caution on Economy, expert humor from Bruce McCall & Bertrand Russell, Kid Charlemagne leads us to Owlsley Stanley story then onto Silicon Valley, Shouts and Murmurs Social Media Guidelines, ignoring phone messages by millenials, texting 9/11 in San Mateo Co anyway, Smoot Hawley article from 2008 on how to make the economy worse
GB&U, Saudi prince a-murdering, Johnny Mathis segue from John Waters on Teri Gross, tech savvy people knew Russians were up to no good in 2016 a Jane Mayer article,
Trump and Kim bromance, Brent Kavanaugh sad saga, Elon and his cool rockets, the octopi & the ecstacy, gene editing to kill mosquitos,
Obit for Marty Balin, Steeley Dan tune Kid Charlemagne is about Owlsley Stanley & LSD,
SN&R talks up Dan Bacher, critic of CA water grabs, anchor babies are real, archives - 2007 collateralized debt obligations seen as house of cards by Steven Perlstein
Obituary for Alan Abel, a genuine Radio Parallax hero
Brent Kavanaugh faux investigation misleads public with mainstream media collusion, GB&U, motorcycle riders ageing, science topics, small body 2.5x the distance of Pluto but goes out to the Oort cloud and may affirm the hidden planet x, more plastic woes
Trump pens, Anthony Bourdain opinions, Serena Williams acting like an ass, Brent Kavanugh acting like an ass
Eagles vs Michael Jackson, stats, Afghan wishful thinking, miscellaneous, Wendell Wilkie
Time slips away, our favorite psychopath gets involved in a time travel film, New Yorker article on 1968 Presidential election recalls our talk with Senator Eugene McCarthy, autobio of Burt Reynolds on Betty Davis & Joan Crawford, and his Playboy interview, GB&U, lightening round
Bizarre Op-Ed assyres public that adults remain in charge of Executive Branch, dirty pool and nutty perspectives in SCOTUS politics, Milky Way has satellite galaxies, Smokey and the Bandit
Watergate-type follies with Manafort & Cohen, American judicial roulette, CA legislature designates state sport, plastic nanoparticles from 5 Asian nations
Lt Governor, Gavin Newsom on the way out, and a Tsakapolous daughter coming in?, Jerry Brown still trying to steal Delta waters, a joke, William Goldman quotes
Weird Science: bad Bosnian Archeology, Mars, exchange of genes, teaching happiness at Yale
Good, Bad & Ugly, Zimbabwe woes, Montenegro threatened, election tampering in the USA, has the internet failed us? Obit: Adrian Krounauer
How bad is The Donald?, he is, at least not headed to war, and why DO we have NATO?, wa not Ukraine, vitamins, PC mania
Croatia almost makes it
Invitation to participate, Neum on the Adriatic thanks to recently deceased Lord Carrignton, planet Mars in sky along with planetary peers, and they again find water there, Tin Tin beat Apollo to the moon and found ice first, excerpt from prior chat with William Hartmann on subject of water on red planet, WA state scablands mimic of martian flows
Mars; excerpts from our chats with Steve Squyers , Emily Ladwallah , more on the Earth terrain from mega waterfalls
Radio Parallax Oldies But Goodies, firecrackers for the 4th, an inventor of the rock fuzztone Glenn Snoddy passes, we strip mine Late Night Comic monologues,
Brief laugh over firecrackers being illegal & ubiquitous, review of Morocco trip,
Travel to Morocco, Trump screws Morocco, Trump apes Machiavelli, Silicon Valley antics, Obit - Dick Tuck, muffed series on Jack Parsons
Baracoon, the Last Black Cargo - a chat with Deborah Plant about the work of Zora Hurston to uncover the life story of a man taken into slavery in 1859
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